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LFKC trip to The Green Machine

Dan Walter said:
Did anyone get any fresh shots of George's demo tank? I've been itching to see how this tank has developed.
I thought I did as it was my fav of the smaller tanks, but I see no photos of it in my memory card 🙁 bummer.
That 10-foot iwagumi has the best manicured lawn I have ever seen! Almost looks like a well-put-together desert or something (sorry, ran out of vocab here :lol:) Graeme's cube has really come into its own, its really stunning!

No photos of Oliver Knott's tank? I'm really interested to know how that turned out.
LondonDragon said:
Dan Walter said:
Did anyone get any fresh shots of George's demo tank? I've been itching to see how this tank has developed.
I thought I did as it was my fav of the smaller tanks, but I see no photos of it in my memory card 🙁 bummer.

Get back on that train then Paulo :lol: :lol:
I got a couple of George's tank, but they really didn't come out well 🙁 If I can do anything with them I'll post but after a quick fiddle I figured they wouldn't do the scape justice and left them.
flygja said:
No photos of Oliver Knott's tank? I'm really interested to know how that turned out.
I think I have at least one, I will put it up sometime, just didn't like the tank so didn't post it lol

a1Matt said:
LondonDragon said:
Get back on that train then Paulo :lol: :lol:
Are you starting another train journey or what? 😛 there were a couple of guys checking the tank when I was going around taking photos and just never got back to it again, just not enough time to do it all lol
LondonDragon said:
...there were a couple of guys checking the tank when I was going around taking photos and just never got back to it again, just not enough time to do it all lol

Next time it's either the 6:10am train, like Gerard was on, or a weekend trip 😀 Have to sweet talk Jimmy into the UKAPS camping trip we talked about last year 😀
SteveUK said:
Next time it's either the 6:10am train, like Gerard was on, or a weekend trip 😀 Have to sweet talk Jimmy into the UKAPS camping trip we talked about last year 😀
Would have been nice to have a longer talk to Jimmy, Mark and Graeme also, just they were also busy with customers and the gang buying stuff, but was good to meet quite a few members from up north.
We should do a weekend trip... I would recommend adding in a trip to the blue planet... A b&b can cost around £25 for a night... Could work out pretty cheap?
LondonDragon said:
......but was good to meet quite a few members from up north.

Who are you calling a northerner? 😡

Dave Spencer said:
LondonDragon said:
.......but was good to meet quite a few members from up north.

Who are you calling a northerner? 😡


The southerner's class Watford gap as the middle of the country, so you and I are classed as Northerner's. So a person who lives in Scotland is a Northern Northerner.

Lisa_Perry75 said:
We should do a weekend trip... I would recommend adding in a trip to the blue planet... A b&b can cost around £25 for a night... Could work out pretty cheap?

There is always Chester Zoo as well. A few could sleep over at mine if they wanted to.

nelson said:
Flyfisherman said:
So a person who lives in Scotland is a Northern Northerner.
no.......they're a jock :shock: :silent: .

:lol: :text-goodpost:
Managed to tidy up the aweful picture of George's scape that I took. Picture doesn't do it justice to be honest! I've had to heavily photochop to sort out dodgy perspective and exposure, so apologies in advance 😉

Nice one Steve looks pretty good to me 🙂 glad you managed one!!
Doesn't look anything like I imagined it would! In my head it was a huge mound of bolbititis with some tiny crpyt foreground looking like it was from the pages of aquajournal, it looks like it's missing Georges touch.
Ah there it is..Nice one Steve, photo looks ok to me (?!) but I bet it looks better in the flesh (as they always do imo)
I do like this though.. I imagine it would be a fairly easy tank to maintain/prune with all the space around the island. It seems to give a very clean look which I like.