Long time reader first time poster.
I have a 120x43x40 200L planted community tank and I have a question regarding lighting. This time last year I replaced my 2x T8s with one Zetlight Lancia. Over the last year all my plants have slowly melted away/ stopped growing. I have Anubias, Jungal val, and Cryptocoryne Wendtii (Bronze I think), all of which were growing like made and I was pulling handfuls out to give to friends.
My guess is the light is the issue as I have not changed anything else from the year before. My question is would a second Zetlight Lancia help? Is it just a case of not enough light or is the light not good enough?
I can’t find many reviews of this light online and was wondering if any of you guys had had any luck with it?
The manufacture clams 4100LM 6500k colour temp blue LEDs 465-470nm, and red 620-630nm., if this helps.
Long time reader first time poster.
I have a 120x43x40 200L planted community tank and I have a question regarding lighting. This time last year I replaced my 2x T8s with one Zetlight Lancia. Over the last year all my plants have slowly melted away/ stopped growing. I have Anubias, Jungal val, and Cryptocoryne Wendtii (Bronze I think), all of which were growing like made and I was pulling handfuls out to give to friends.
My guess is the light is the issue as I have not changed anything else from the year before. My question is would a second Zetlight Lancia help? Is it just a case of not enough light or is the light not good enough?
I can’t find many reviews of this light online and was wondering if any of you guys had had any luck with it?
The manufacture clams 4100LM 6500k colour temp blue LEDs 465-470nm, and red 620-630nm., if this helps.