Your posts inspired me to try doing the same. I hadn't looked into black worms before, and to my surprise they are not readily available around here, I didn't find any for sale in the usual online marketplaces. But I got lucky and found someone nearby who had some and he gave me enough worms to start my culture.
I copied your idea and had it installed in a sump, slowly circulating water from the tank. My culture is growing very slowly, though, and I don't think I'll have any extras to actually feed the fishes for a while. I tried boiled sweet potatoes, but they rotted surprisingly fast, and started molding in 24h... I did have success with raw cucumber and blanched zucchini. I'm also giving them mulberry leaves (blanched and frozen), mostly because I have easy access to them and because the guy who gave me the worms said that he only had success when he stopped trying to feed the worms with food and started only giving them leaves (I don't know which plant he used).
Maybe when the culture grows a bit I'll try the sweet potatoes again.
I'm keeping them in a block of black foam, but that makes it even harder to determine if the culture is growing or not.