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Leaf ID


31 Jul 2016
Hi all,

I collected a few leaves this afternoon. Picked up from what I thought was a pile of oak leaves but realised they're not all the same when I got home.

Any idea what they are?

Lot 1:


Lot 2:


Are all of the second lot oak? A lot waxier than the first lot

Any help much appreciated!
Both of these look to be white oak leaves, except the top ones I would say are white bur (because of the rounded ends at the top).

Either way, they should be fine as long as they are prepared correctly.

The only other types to distinguish from are red oak which are spiky, live oaks which are more like a traditional looking leaf (oval), and post (iron) oak which are quite distinctive also. There are others too but follow similar patterns.

Not an expert - only giving my understanding 🙂
Hi all,
Picked up from what I thought was a pile of oak leaves but realised they're not all the same when I got home.

Any idea what they are?
You are fine, they are all Oak (Quercus), and possibly just different forms of English Oak (Quercus robur).

The waxier, more dissected, leaves may be <"Turkey Oak"> (Q. cerris), the main difference is that it has acorns with spiny cups.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
he only other types to distinguish from are red oak which are spiky, live oaks which are more like a traditional looking leaf (oval), and post (iron) oak which are quite distinctive also. There are others too but follow similar patterns.
There are a lot more different types of Oak (Quercus) in the USA. The northern European Oak flora is pretty limited, although there is more variety as you get towards the Mediterranean (Q. ilex, Q. coccifera, Q. suber etc).

cheers Darrel