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Latest Green Aqua video featuring Seachem

I dont have anything against the seachem guy personally, I cant even remember his name. I just thought the video was a big swing and a miss and wanted to have some fun with how bad it was 😁

Business gonna business and dont be thinking Green Aqua arent selling people things, theyre just much better at disguising it 😉
Business gonna business and dont be thinking Green Aqua arent selling people things, theyre just much better at disguising it 😉
yes, definitely. if UK was part of the EU i'd definitely buy a lot of stuff from them, their relatively genuine opinions on such products and more subtle "selling" is nicer lol.
It is what it is, we all have to make a living!
Definitely, but there has to be a point where running more and more undercover ads simply becomes detrimental to their business.
I used to watch their videos pretty regularly but nowadays I only do if there's a guest (other than Brian from Seachem) since such a big time share of their videos is spent "selling".
To be honest I don’t really find anything wrong with that video, yes it feels like a promotional video just to push some Seachem products but forgive me if I’m wrong here but I’m sure I heard dialogue to the effect that this Aquascaper will be a Judge in Seachems new aquascaping contest, guaranteed this vid is a promotional push to attain that judging role and any Kudos or business that may follow. Seachem rep looked super confident and the Aquascaper just looked embarrassed. It is what it is, we all have to make a living!

Hi @X3NiTH On balance, I agree - and if Seachem enables cool events with their sponsorships to promote the hobby (and their products) we shouldn't dismiss that. Also, Seachem are certainly given a lot of hobbyists, especially beginners, a garden path to fertilizing their plants and conditioning their water for livestock etc. with their core products... we shouldn't dismiss that either. I am still not going to be a fan of these videos, but I already made that point.
Also, I own and use (and occasionally recommend) several Seachem products myself (Off the top of my head: Seachem Tidal HOB filters, Seachem Matrix, Seachem Purigen, Seachem Iron and Seachem Prime). Did I mention Seachem? (... the check is running late!) :lol:

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I kinda feel for Brian the seachem guy here. You guys have a very valid point, but being often dragged into marketing sessions and put on display to demonstrate our products, CEO happily titles me a "geek that can speak," You never quite know how much to "dumb it down" for the audience you're talking with, so it can go off script really easily. I'd hate to have any of my spiels on the internet. I think this guy is more used to talking to general hobbyists.

It was over the top considering GA normal content, but its not abnormal in promoting business. Lets not pretend that they don't heavily push ADA stuff there too.

I remember when I was first learning this stuff like 3-5 weeks ago. bad-um-tish, I watched almost all of the content including GHs stuff. and I was off to the races.

powered up my google foo: All I need is some ADA soil. some black and yellow magic dust! check! write that down! holy cow plants come in cultures those gotta be good... ok a rimless tank shouldn't cost too much its just low Fe glass and some silicone. I made a wish list and then started looking up prices. I honestly guffawed and then had to chortle.

The price of these boutique product lines are insane for a vast majority of hobbyists. I promptly had to get real with myself. Same stuff happens in woodworking. go ahead and check out: bridge city tools. Want to pay 60 quid for a straight edge or north of 350 for a handplane or hand saw, they've got your back.

Seachem is a more accessible brand. Its the volkswagon GTI to the audi R8s
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I was disapointed as well. But then GA have always pushed not only Seachem, but plenty of other unnecessary products with magic tank enhancing claims. That expensive anti-algae device springs to mind (twinstar nano or some such). I watch their content because I like seeing the end result scapes, and they do impart useful info. Sure, they even use NLP techniques to draw you in, but then so does every man and his dog who did a free NLP course during lockdown, lol. And if they help perpetuate and improve the hobby, so be it. I am actually far happier with Seachem than I am with Dennerle at the moment, who seem to have surreptitiously made a significant back-pedal from the shrimp side of the hobby. (I’m still gonna buy a scapers 70 tank though 😂😂).

I don’t think it’s fair to rag on the Seachem chap though. The GA guys can be pretty persuasive and the poor guy must have got roped in, unsuspecting that the audience would be so critical.

I nearly placed an order with GA last week, but they wanted £50 in shipping which would actually only have cost a tenner. I can only assume they are trying to deliberately put non EU buyers off due to customs paperwork 🤷‍♂️.

let’s face it though, there are worse channels out there, who actually have a negative impact on the hobby with all the mis-advice they give 🙄.

Just my take since you asked 👍
Want to pay 60 quid for a straight edge or north of 350 for a handplane or hand saw, they've got your back.

I didn't know I did, but those tools do look very nice 🙂

As for the vid, Meh, I wouldn't watch it all, but I can understand it, not up to their usual "you NEED ADA" advertising standards though.
What’s Organic Soup, and since when do plants need amino acids?
it can be beneficial at chelating several nutrients to make them easier for the plant to absorb. think of a using MnSo4 vs MnSo4 with some added Amino acid to the solution. the solution with Amino Acid will perform better, even though plant will use Mn and So4 from both solution because Mn and So4 both are required by plants. if someone want to explore the idea about adding it to their stock solution, look no further, try the L-Glycine Amino Acid

L-Glycine Amino Acid Powder | Pure Food Grade Amino Supplement | MBFerts Bulk Wholesale Hydroponic Equipment Dealer

I calculated the dose for 500 ml solution, 20 ml per 50 gallon. add 2.536 gram L-glycine and this will add 0.1 ppm N per dose. but let me give you heads up though, if you overdose it, it will trigger algae's. might be bit off topic but since we are talking about Amico acid here, why not mention this as well.