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Laputa - Tbro's Nano

Few quick shots at just over 2 weeks growth. Just added some CRS which are loving their new mossy hang out. Still battling to keep the glosso growing side-ways. Had to add a unsightly heater as such I'm saving pennies for some lilly tubes and an in line heater (any suggestions for lilly size on a fluval 105?) My filter also seems to have an annoying air leak which makes it noisy, a major disadvantage to a bed room tank! The star moss and fissidens are surviving but as expected not really growing (the fissidens in a jam jar on my windowsill looks great).






C+C welcolme,

After lengthy head scratching and chatting with Jim from TGM have figured out the pipe sizes and have added glass wear and inline heater. I really like the inflow pipe - looks like one of those utensils for picking up honey. The shrimps approve of the extra flow. I was pretty sick of those ugly plastic inlets 😀



thanks for looking, T
Cheers Steve, the glass wear is the ADA - Do Aqua range (supposed to be entry level prices) Their not exactly inexpensive but I'm very pleased with them.

this filter inflow is unsecure to baby shrimps. I have placed a piece of foam over mine to avoid them sucked into the filter.
think about this 😉
but, looking good though 😀
Happy Days, just got of a 12 hour shift to find my first baby CRS ! Like a perfect adult minature about 5 mm long 😀



As Macro as my little camera gets - sorry

I have now shrimp proofed the filter inlet - Tom
How is the fissidens doing? I want to use it in my Dutch scape, but with all the controversy a couple years back as to whether it was truely aquatic, I'm not certain. A while back I followed a huge thread at APC with experiments and everything, and based on the evidence from that thread, I'm on the fence with it. It's so popular now, though, but most of these scapes are shorterm, so technically a non-aquatic can thrive for a limited time under those circumstances until it begins to decline.

Your other mosses look great.

Love the arrangement of the wood as well.

Thanks for the comments guys, I have found that the fissidens splachnobryoides just slowly died but have kept going emersed (see thread on growing mosses in the emersed section) I've never tried the other fissidens species but others have succeded especially with f.fontanus. I've re-arranged the wood and rocks slightly as I wasn't quite happy with the right hand side of the big rock. Might post some more pics tonight. Found about half a dozen CRS babies now....

TBRO said:
Thanks for the comments guys, I have found that the fissidens splachnobryoides just slowly died but have kept going emersed (see thread on growing mosses in the emersed section) I've never tried the other fissidens species but others have succeded especially with f.fontanus. I've re-arranged the wood and rocks slightly as I wasn't quite happy with the right hand side of the big rock. Might post some more pics tonight. Found about half a dozen CRS babies now....


Good to know, T, as it was specifically f. fontanus that I was considering. I will avoid f. splachnobryoides.

Thank you. Glad to know that you have more shrimps!
Here's a couple of shots with the current hardscape layout + an origonal for comparrison. Hopefully this will improve the sense of height and make the big rock look less isolated. I've been a bit brutal with the rotala trimming and my C02 has run out (just TPN and ez carb). I'm still having trouble with air leaking into the Fluval 105 which I must conclude is coming from the aquastop point. Any ideas for hardscape adjustment or filter tips most welcolme (including alternative externals, as I'm getting annoyed 😳 ) Thanks - Tom


Original Scape


Since my CO 2 ran out and i've not bothered to refill it the straug and glosso really melted. They just weren't giving the cover I wanted.

Decided to rescpe things a bit and raided my Xmas moss from my window-sill experiment. Tried to go for more of an uneven moss carpet but ran out of moss 🙁 It did give me a chance to re-do the beach area, although the shrimp will probably re-arrange as they see fit.

Anyway the shrimp seem happy, there are now a few dozen baby CRS, I've put 2 pregnant Cherry shrimps from my main tank in to try and select out the deep red strain.



Hope to see some people at the Oli Knott thing - Tom
Thought, I'd post some feeding time pictures, there's loads of CRS juvenilles and the oldest are getting cheeky and fighting with their parents. I know their not the highest Grades but there the only CRS I've seen for sale in the NW. I guess there could be some scope to selectivley breed them but with only a limited gene pool, I'm not sure if thats a good idea. The tank looks kind of a mossy mess but the shrimp seem to like it that way 🙂 Sorry about the poor quality pics, best I could do - T




Thanks Guys, :lol: Yeah the glass could be cleaner, you'd think the shrimps would help out with that ! I need some Amano style minions to maintain my tanks..... I think I'll let this genaration mature and strip it down to do a proper clean.
Hi Tbro,
nice crs nano,I've been growing fissedens fontanus for three months and it just gets better,
regards john.