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Landen Rimless Aquariums?

Double taps? Like an inline ball valve you mean? I'm a rookie lol.
The proper name is quick disconnects but they are essentially inline taps that you can open and close to control the flow level. They also allow you to disconnect the hose from the filter or aquarium more easily.

The proper name is quick disconnects but they are essentially inline taps that you can open and close to control the flow level. They also allow you to disconnect the hose from the filter or aquarium more easily.

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Roger, thanks for the clarification👍. Those definitely look like a handy addition to quickly disconnect hoses.

I'm not sure if the Fluval comes with those or not but I can use the flow adjustment lever on the canister if not. Fluval recommends a maximum flow reduction of 50% to prevent motor damage though so one must keep that in mind. I plan to reduce to 50 - 60% output and then use a spray bar or "Y" output to divide the flow if I need further reduction. That should keep the motor from working too hard while still allowing plenty of flow.
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That sand looks gorgeous!!!
Good good, I thought you'd like it😁.

Any suggestions with it? I'm going to give it a rinse I think just to be sure. Also, my plan is to use it to top mesh bags filled with aquasoil. Any suggestions on depth of sand? Depth of aquasoil filled bags? Total depth? Thanks.
That has a nice natural look to it!
Yeah, it's nice stuff and dirt cheap too which is great. If myself and the plants like it it will be my new go to for light coloured Substrate. Now, I must find a good black or gray option. That will be much harder to find I suspect...