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KNO3 yellowing


23 Mar 2022
Quick question, in December 2020 I bought 1kg of repackaged KNO3 supposedly intended for agricultural uses. KNO3 is a controlled substance here and unavailable for the general population, so these second hand packages are the only choice I found. The salesperson called it 100% pure for agricultural standards, whatever that means.

Having used roughly half the package, I noticed that the powder is now getting yellow, just like an old book. Is it OK to keep using it, or should I look for a new batch?
Hi all,
Is it OK to keep using it,
It should be OK.
I noticed that the powder is now getting yellow,
It may have had some calcium nitrate (CaNO3.4H2O) impurity in it, that would be a yellow salt. Pure KNO3 is white, but fertiliser grade is often yellowish.
KNO3 is a controlled substance here
<"Dangers of Potassium Nitrate KNO3?"> and <"Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) Purchased from Internet">.

cheers Darrel