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Kandahar, Afghanistan

Matt Holbrook-Bull said:
the panasonic Lumix has a Leica lens anyway and you dont need a mortgage to buy it

true, but your only getting the lens part, not the lovely sensor that comes with a leica 😉 re-mortgage :lol:
If you're looking for a cheap compact may I recommend the M3 Olive Bundeseigentum, there is one going on ebay at the moment which is a snip at $8000 buy-it-now...


You'll need a lens for it too though.

My cousin in Portugal works at the Leica factory! I will see if he can smuggle a few out! lol
Hi Mate,

So glad to see after some pestering from me, you got out and took a few pics, well worth it mate.

Speaking of compacts, Ive been looking into buying one too, manly for trips out on the motorbike etc, dont want to be hauling a huge SLR around. Im tempted by the Canon G9, its about the size of an old 35mm point and shoot. Something like 10.2MP, fully M mode, Av and Tv...all the gubbins of your SLR but small and a static lens. FOr me though, its just a tad too big, but has great ratings for travelers. The other option, which I bought my dad is the Nikon P5100, really sweet little camera. Again, full control, nifty features, spot metering, and really small too, perfect. You can even get wide angle lenses too, which I also bought, wicked camera, worth thinking about.

gt568 said:
Beadwindow 😉

I recognise those mountains...

You better not have been larding it at Timmy Hortons...

I might just have to fizz you when you get back.. :lol:


No time for coffee mate. Max'd out here. Straight up, we've taken on more than the usual stuff you know about...

PM me for a chat dude.