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Kandahar, Afghanistan

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
I've 'bent' the rules and taken a couple of photos with a mate's compact.

I've just ordered a nice Panasonic Lumix from Amazon, so will hopefully be able to share some more photos soon...

I'm glad I didn't bring my DSLR - the dust is unreal.


JAmesM said:
Its almost like vector art in Illustrator. Not sure if that's what Aaron is referring too... Great pics George. Any photoshop edits?

Thanks. I've cropped the originals using Microsoft Paint. My laptop doesn't have Photoshop - it's a cheapee.
the second shows off the cameras abilities. shooting into the sun and still retaining detail in the shade. pretty good IMO. not bad for a compact

saintly said:
the second shows off the cameras abilities. shooting into the sun and still retaining detail in the shade. pretty good IMO. not bad for a compact


It was a Canon... Not sure of the model though.
nice photos...landscape photos for me are definitely my favourite photos due to they give you a sense of being there...the joys of war…. i spose if u look on the bright side at least you have an office with a cracking view...
cheers.... passerby
passerby* said:
nice photos...landscape photos for me are definitely my favourite photos due to they give you a sense of being there...the joys of war…. i spose if u look on the bright side at least you have an office with a cracking view...
cheers.... passerby

Thanks very much.

Most of the time it's so dusty the mountains are hardly visible.

I do have a new found appreciation for life in general though. So it's not all bad... 🙂

LondonDragon said:
Nice photos George, thanks for sharing with us, which Lumix you getting? was thinking of getting a compact just to carry about when I go out, rather than carry my DSLR.
Thanks mate.

My budget was limited to £100 (wife's just bought another horse!) so I went for the award-winning Lumix DMCFS3. Can't go wrong for the money.

There's a new Leica that's rated highly, and the Sigma DP1 that has a APS-C sensor.

Interestingly, the DMCFS3 actually has a f/2.8 Leica lens.
George Farmer said:
the DMCFS3 actually has a f/2.8 Leica lens.

a bit like the sony/zeiss deal then...

George Farmer said:
I do have a new found appreciation for life in general though. So it's not all bad...

that happened to me everytime i goto kazakhstan. its a different world and makes you think about what you got!
LondonDragon said:
Nice photos George, thanks for sharing with us, which Lumix you getting? was thinking of getting a compact just to carry about when I go out, rather than carry my DSLR.

same as you londondragon i wanted something to carry around with me instead of my dslr and i picked up a cheap canon ixus 75 i can not fault it...the macro is good and some landscape photos i took whilst out shooting were pretty good it really makes the colours vivid .. so check out the ixus range.. and my mate has a cracking compact nikon a bit on the large size but its the nuts..but i know he paid £250+ ..i would give u the name/code of it but i cant think of it.sorry.
saintly said:
LondonDragon said:
was thinking of getting a compact just to carry about when I go out, rather than carry my DSLR.

considered a leica?

the panasonic Lumix has a Leica lens anyway 🙂 and you dont need a mortgage to buy it :lol:

Great pics mate 🙂 keep safe