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Juwel Rio 180L ADA Malaya


19 Jul 2008
Hi everyone,

I am setting up a new tank to replace my 60l tank with a Juwel Rio 180L tank. I have planted the tank straight away to see if the ammonia spike can be avoided and still allow good growth of bacteria in filter as malaya soil leeches little ammonia in comparison to amazonia. I have 2 shrimps and 8 mosquito rasbora to create a small waste production.

I have yet to have any detectable presence of ammonia or nitrites in the tank but a small bacterial bloom in the water.

ADA Malaya Aquasoil

Amazon Swords
Nymphaea Lotus
Myriophyllum Mattogrossense
Moss Ball

Feeding plants with 5ml of Easycarbo daily.
Small dosing of Potassium Phosphate every other day.
A very small pinch of CSM+B on water change.

2 Cherry Shrimps
8 Mosquito Rasbora
Slowly add more fish after a month

Only worrying issue I have is that if the plants are taking up ammonia before the bacteria can feed upon it and thrive it will keep preventing the maturing of the filter media. I feel this emthod could take longer to mature than fishless cycling but will we see.





Mr. C Shrimp
Re: Juwel Rio 180L ADA Mayala

One week later:


Mainly notice large amount of root growth. Glosso much more difficult to tell but have no decay of leaves. Fish and shrimp are completely fine and alive.

Bacterial bloom if fading away but with the appearance of little browning around the edges of some narrow Echinodorus.


Additions to the tank:

I have added some pagoda rocks and wood to the left hand side.

8 Rummynose Tetra
5 Ottos
1 Electric Blue Ram


1. Sudden growth of green and brown algae on right-side rocks. The amazon swords and lotus plant have both had the older leaves 'wilt' with new emerse adapted leaves to replace those. Hope lotus plant will grow taller.

2. Ludwiga has had the quickest growth aswell as Myriophyllum Mattogrossense but the Ram is nipping at sections, mainly picking at dead plant parts.

3. Glosso is doing well other than small hair algae on one portion, doing spot carbo dosing and removal by hand. Hairgrass is doing just aswell but little in terms of growth and spred of grass.

4. Have had a small nitrite spike of 0.8mg/L (0.8ppm) with it gone within 24 hours so filter must have cycled.

5. The soil is leaves the pH about 7 and soft.

Future Additions

Re-arrange some plants with the Ludwiga and Amazon Sword on the left to the centre and vice versa.
Planning to purchase 2-3 more Electric Rams, preferably female, from Aquajardin in Gloucester this weekend. Either buy an Angelfish or 10 Amano shrimps aswell but dont want to overload tank to early.

Will let you know what I decide upon.
easerthegeezer said:
Whats the red plant to the right?

Not sure forgot to note down the name but my best guess is a form of Ludwiga.
Alastair said:
SunnyP said:
easerthegeezer said:
Whats the red plant to the right?

Not sure forgot to note down the name but my best guess is a form of Ludwiga.
Looks like an alterenthera to me

I was assuming the wrong plants, easerthegeezer, Sorry. The ones nearest to the filter are Alternanthera Reineckii. They are doing really well with liquid carbon only with no decay but has had little growth compared to others, Should develop well over time.
Re: Juwel Rio 180L ADA Mayala

I have yet to have any detectable presence of ammonia or nitrites in the tank but a small bacterial bloom in the water

You might not notice it in a planted tank, but if you are referring to ammonia in the AS Malaya (not Mayala) then you wont detect any because unlike AS Amazonia there is hardly any ammonia or organics in AS Malaya.
sanj said:
I have yet to have any detectable presence of ammonia or nitrites in the tank but a small bacterial bloom in the water

You might not notice it in a planted tank, but if you are referring to ammonia in the AS Malaya (not Mayala) then you wont detect any because unlike AS Amazonia there is hardly any ammonia or organics in AS Malaya.

I kept doing the Malaya spelling wrong on my tablet, Thanks for pointing out. I know there is little ammonia in Malaya so that would mean it would take longer for the filter to cycle?

Doesn't matter now as I have had a small bloom of green and brown algae on the rocks so I'm presuming its had a small cycle through and nitrites disappeared after a small spike and are currently 0ppm.
Some more images of tank with the best shot I could get of my Electric Blue Ram (crap camera).




Amazon Sword Stem? New leaf just emerging. Literally came out of nowhere. Is it normal?

Plant Growth
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3
I've been so tempted by these blue rams. Not sure if i'd keep them alive though :?

Maybe you could try turning your images around matey :thumbup: ...my neck hurts now
Mark Evans said:
I've been so tempted by these blue rams. Not sure if i'd keep them alive though :?

mine is doing very well other than starting to nip at some plants. Should hopefully stop when I get a females in their. My water is generally hard but hasn't been an issue so far for the Ram. The ADA Malaya soil makes the water nice and soft which is nice help.

Maybe you could try turning your images around matey :thumbup: ...my neck hurts now

Sorry keeps doing it with photobucket even though they're saved in the correct orientation. Should be sorted soon.
What you will find with that new stem (there is 2 nodes) one of the nodes will develop more than the other, so once its big enough to cut off, cut it round down to the next node.
Re: Juwel Rio 180L ADA Malaya. Pic Heavy

Alastair said:
That's normal with the amazon sword. It's just sending off a stem which will have lots of plantlets on. Shows everything's good if it has

Westyggx said:
What you will find with that new stem (there is 2 nodes) one of the nodes will develop more than the other, so once its big enough to cut off, cut it round down to the next node.

Cheers guys. Had Mister Starkey pop round a week ago and should flower soon if feeding maintains normal. This is how it has developed so far. There seem to be three nodes altogether, one 1/4 up, half way and then near the surface it has split into two and slowly producing plantlets.
NB. Biofilm removed after pic was taken.

Mister Starkey also nicely gave some Hydrocotyle which I had added to the centre and tied some to the wood.

Week 5

3 Platinum Blue Angelfish
2 Diamond Angelfish Bought from Aquajardin Gloucester

Hairgrass is slowly sending out runners and the glosso is doing well with just liquid carbon feed, little algae on leaves. Its slowly getting there.


All fish are doing well with Rams colouring up really well and all go mental when feeding bloodworms. Best pic ATM.
My rams laid eggs last week, YEH!! (pics will be added later today) with the male mainly guarding the eggs with female on odd occasions BUT the eggs disappeared after few days and at the same time one of my angelfish had died with torn fins. Im guessing the rams nipped him for eating the eggs. Then yesterday morning I noticed another angelfish was up to no good. This one was in the process of munching down a mosquito rasbora and managed to get fully down its mouth but this morning the eaten mosquio rasbora had a little payback with that angelfish dying this morning.

I dont think Angelfish have heard of curiousity killing the cat.

Update (Might take a bit of time to rotate)
Had a trim and a bit of a move around:


AFTER (rotation lag)
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to post an update of my tank. Enjoy!









And now.... The current state:
Awesome you got yourself a real jungle feel going on there I like it. Can you give us a fauna update ? And what is the stem plant in the right hand back corner ? Cheers.