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Just my little survey (for those with opti-white tanks)

ADA gives 3 year warranty to Japanese tank only as i know. So only for Japan (local) customers.
Because of the transportation risk to EU there are only 1 year or no warranty between the importer and ADA Japan.
So whatever happens with the tank the importer need to cover it on its own money.

This was a new thing in the past half year or so, shortly after ADA moved the production to another place.

But there's nothing to do with the quality. ADA put extremely high effort to do the best tanks on the planet with great QC.

They increased the glass thickness in the past year based on the users feedback to provide longer life on the large tanks above 90P. Also the new provider for their tanks just perform really well. They even changed their glasses to a nicer one.

On the silicone work we also produce tanks localy. Imported the German tanks too and seen the ADA ones.
German silicone work is the best in EU. This was the reason why ADA used the manufacturer for their tank before.
This is a bit thicker but super strong. Probably they do this with a machine as so even and perfect everywhere without any bubbles in it. We have an 120x45x45 with 8mm glass in our gallery with 4-4mm bow on both sides and the silicone works without any bubbles. However when we produced the other 120P tank we used 10mm glass for safety reason, but also because i was sure the local manufacturer will not be able to provide the german quality to me.

Old tank makers using internal silicone since the black silicone work. There was not really a request to have the minimal silo around the tank edges. But with the transparent this looks ugly. However above a size still many manufacturer use this for safety reason and for long life. But as we can see on the ADA on German tanks this is possible without that internal stuff too. Maybe they not take the risk.
to be quite honest id take the extra silicone and the peace of mind over 200litres of water all over my floor!

And really how many people come and see out tanks, look at the silicone and say...hmm thats shoddy! If the Plants and fish aren't captivating them, then were not doing our jobs right!
I saw Edie's tank, the one with almost no silicone, and my worry if I had a tank like that wouldn't be how nice it looks but how little silicone is there to hold the tank together. But it does look nice, very nice.

A true dilemma.

Hi Guys,i like the debate but i was just asking where you people got yours from,so can we just stick to that please,but personally i dont mind some silicone showing,i would rather have a safe tank than 120 ltr's of water all over the place,

How long it lasts is a good point. There is only one way to find out i guess 🙂
Would be interesting to hear professionals view on this.
I have not actually thought about the safety assuming if manufacturer makes them that way it has to be safe.
So to sum up 5 places at the moment?

Aquariums ltd
Aqua Essentials
Poseidon Palace
Raq Aqua
I have two 15l AE Opti-White, I did spend 3 hours in each tank cleaning up the silicone, was happy for the price (one free).


ND Aquatics made me an optiwhite 365 litre reef tank. I have since moved away from the dark side. Tank quality great, but the design was standard braced. However I found that the guys were flexible.

Coventry Aquatics since changing glass supplier are now able to offer opti white and braceless tanks. The Godiva range are very popular with reefers.
My lfs has an opti-white on display. I think the manager has a friend that makes them to order. All the glass has mitered edges and really neat silicone, which look amazing. Although I have never seen this anywhere else so wonder if this is for a reason.
Just spoke with aquariums.ltd.uk to order a new 140w*55h*60d optiwhite tank for a new project. This one is going in the wall, so will be braced as it doesn't need to look so pretty. They said they can do either 'minimal' or 'standard' silicone work, and that 'minimal' silicone requires 12mm glass, whereas the 'standard' . Seemed good value to me: about £400 plus £45 delivery to London.

(I've asked them to send a couple of photos of the minimal silicone work before I pay up! Will post these up if people would find useful).

My current 120w*45d*55h braceless optiwhite was a shoddy disappointment. Silicone very visible inside the tank, and panels not level at the top. Was from a supplier that hasn't been mentioned in this thread. Still - taught me to go through the details carefully when ordering the next one!