I can't believe I'm saying this about crustations but I have had at least 5 really cute mini shrimps delivered to go in my tank.
they are a mixed bag of neocaridina zhangiajiensis of various sizes ranging from 3 mm (white) to 10mm yellow with a red and 2 blues between.
I've been hypnotised by them all afternoon they are so industrious for their size.
I have 2 concerns:
1 will they breed and the chances of any young surviving both my filter and my neons
2 i noticed when i put the heater back on for a few minutes one of them who was happily cleaning a piece of wood by the filter outlet (the heater sits inside the filter chamber and holds at 22c) moved lower down, do they prefer cooler water and if so will that affect the neons and plants?
they are a mixed bag of neocaridina zhangiajiensis of various sizes ranging from 3 mm (white) to 10mm yellow with a red and 2 blues between.
I've been hypnotised by them all afternoon they are so industrious for their size.
I have 2 concerns:
1 will they breed and the chances of any young surviving both my filter and my neons
2 i noticed when i put the heater back on for a few minutes one of them who was happily cleaning a piece of wood by the filter outlet (the heater sits inside the filter chamber and holds at 22c) moved lower down, do they prefer cooler water and if so will that affect the neons and plants?