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Joining in from a little west of Oxford.


5 Oct 2023
Hello everyone.
I’ve been a sporadic fish keeper my whole life. Back when I was at my parents it was community tanks and a large Koi pond.
When I left home I just had small single species setups that came and went due to renting and moving. Back in 2016 we bought our first house together and I was able to indulge in my love for Chiclids. A little while ago a slight overreaction (I panicked and thought our 360L was about to dump itself over the living room floor) caused me to offload my stock at a local shop (sad day). Once I had composed myself, a conversation was had on what to put in it. We both settled on a nice simple, calm nano fish community with some plants (not something that we were able to have with the last occupants), that plan didn’t last long, it’s addictive isn’t it.
The 360 is coming along nicely, it’s a mish mash of all sorts with no real planning but we love it.
Had my first attempt at “scaping” a nice little desktop 60l for my wife’s home office.
Then there’s the big boy project. 500L sumped setup that will be the centre piece to our soon to be set up fish room.
Looking forward to having some nice lengthy conversations with you all.
