Plants helps against ammonia leach and consume the nutrients of the soil...dont
Seems to be a strange method to me, as the pĺants help against ammonia and in doing that, help to cycle the tank faster.
Plus, plants will grow faster with fresh soil, with all that WC without plants, You're just releasing all the good nutrients from your soil...just my 2 cents.
But hey, if it works for some, should be fine anyway 😉
No harm and it's a method to prevent algae before
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Seems to be a strange method to me, as the pĺants help against ammonia and in doing that, help to cycle the tank faster.
Plus, plants will grow faster with fresh soil, with all that WC without plants, You're just releasing all the good nutrients from your soil...just my 2 cents.
But hey, if it works for some, should be fine anyway 😉