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Jewellers rouge to remove scratches?


29 Jun 2009
I'm just wondering if anyone has actaully done this, ever?

I've read many articles on the internet, and apparently it works (but takes hours)
There are pictures to prove it, and apparently it doesn't send the glass cloudy and wont make a funny magnifying effect as long as you dont stay on a single area for too long.

I've just ordered some and i have a buffing pad on a drill, i want to remove some scratches from my Rio 180.

I'd just like to hear anyones personal experiences?

Cheers, Andy
I did a similer job on my well scuffed oskaka 260l. Bottom line was it was too large an area to buff away completly but I did manage to smooth it enough so that it isn't as noticable and I cam live with it for the time being. I pit a post up somewhere about it with pictures.
Well the tank im trying to do isn't very scratched. The guy who owned it before my siliconed dividers in to keep bettas, and when this was removed it left a few vertical knife scratches. They're not very deep so i'm hoping it'll work.

I'll have a look for your post now, cheers.

Anyone else had any experience? I'm going to try on a scrap piece of glass before i touch my tank!
