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Jewel Vision 180 tank questions


20 Feb 2012
Hi all... the tank in question is a Jewel Vision 180 bow fronted tank,I am having difficulty in stabilising the temp..at 25 degrees. When the lights come on the temp gradually goes up to about 26/27. Now is this normal ? I would like to replace the lid setup with another type of lid ... does anybody know of a source of supply. The alternaive is to convert to an open top system which I am unsure about. The light duration is six hours ie 3pm..9pm
Help please.... Frederick.
Frederick said:
Hi all... the tank in question is a Jewel Vision 180 bow fronted tank,I am having difficulty in stabilising the temp..at 25 degrees. When the lights come on the temp gradually goes up to about 26/27. Now is this normal ? I would like to replace the lid setup with another type of lid ... does anybody know of a source of supply. The alternaive is to convert to an open top system which I am unsure about. The light duration is six hours ie 3pm..9pm
Help please.... Frederick.

Hi Frederick,
Is your heater seated inside the filter? I had the bigger brother the 450, and found that the heater didn't maintain a consistent temperature when it was inside the box so placed it on the back left in an area of flow and also made sure the temp was set 1 degree higher than the tank temp I wanted.
Hope this helps

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Hi.....I am more concernerd with the temp rise when the lights go on
many thanks... Frederick....
Hi Frederick. I think it's normal tbh. It's just the heat the lights give off warming the highest part of water column. I would imagine if you had thermometer at the bottom of aquarium near substrate level you would not see any fluctuation. It's just because of how close the lights are to the top of the water. A fluctuation of 1 or 2 degrees at the top of the tank over the 6 or so hours your lights are on should not affect your livestock.
Hi Frederick, you could try opening the flaps or removing them during the day to alleviate fluctuations caused by the light heat. Try it one day to see if it helps.
Or, just keep your life as uncomplicated as possible by just forgetting about it and instead, spending your time and energy worrying about things that actually matter most, like keeping the tank scrupulously clean and keeping the plants well fed.

My Juwel Vision 180 varies between 25 degrees and 28 degrees quite normally. I have a 200W heater stuck to back wall (not using Juwel built in filter one). My "olde" keeping tropical fish book says 24-28 degrees is what you aim for. I am aiming for 24 degrees as being a tight blahblahblahblah am trying to keep as much CO2 as possible in the water (and save electric).

This is as read by a Juwel digital thermometer http://www.juwel-aquarium.co.uk/aquarium-accessories.html as well as a JBL one http://www.jbl.de/en/aquatics-freshwater-products/detail/2495/jbl-aquathermometer-premium. Bought the JBL one as I had moments of not trusting the Juwel one, it read 32 degrees during the one or two hot days we had. Turned heater off, in case heater was stuck on, though no "on" light was on but this made no difference. In fact the JBL said 32 degrees as well. So just hot.

Opening the flaps during the day reduce temp to 29-30 odd and attaching a fan blowing across the surface got it down to 25 degrees after couple of hours.

As ceg says don't worry. Fish didn't seem at all worried at 32 degrees either.
ceg4048 said:
Or, just keep your life as uncomplicated as possible by just forgetting about it and instead, spending your time and energy worrying about things that actually matter most, like keeping the tank scrupulously clean and keeping the plants well fed.

ian_m said:
don't worry. Fish didn't seem at all worried at 32 degrees either.
yeah my current tank also rises and falls throughout a 24 hr period depending upon the weather.
It has glass covers and on warm days rises to 27 degrees c but i dont worry about it...the fish dont seem bothered either.
Is there a specific reason for you wanting to keep it a t 25 degrees c Frederick?