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JBL Co2 kits?


New Member
13 Jun 2023
Horsham, West Sussex, UK
Hi there, first post on this forum, but have been lurking for a while - very useful info in these threads thank you!!

I want to buy my first Co2 kit. The tank is 200L, with a Fluval 307 external canister.

My main concern is reliability/simplicity - the last thing I want is for something to go wrong and my fish get poisoned. Budget - I'd like to keep under £150ish if that's feasible.

Looking through the posts it seems most people are recommending the Pro-SE system? Any others I should consider? The Pro-SE systems seem a little thin on the ground (at least the ones with the right diffusers for my size tank anyway).

I was hoping to buy a kit from my LFS but they only stock the Fluval and JBL kits. Has anyone got experience of either of these kits? Any good?

Any advice appreciated, many thanks!
Hmmm....Amazon reviews not great for Fluval or JBL kits that I can find! Might have answered my own question already, but please chip in if you have any advice for a newbie :)
I've got a full JBL pH control touch. Been demoing it on my tank before it's set up on my daughter's tank. Very nice bit of kit and very accurate too. What do you need to know?
Thanks. Really just trying to figure out whether I should listen to the LFS when they try and sell me on the JBL kit or whether I should just wait for a Pro-SE kit to become available online, so just looking for recommendations really. The JBL reviews I can find online seem to vary a lot depending on the particular model. I really am just starting trying to figure this stuff out so I'm currently a bit lost...there are a lot of similar looking bits of kit with similar looking names that are probably actually very different!
I’ve traditionally used JBL kit, mainly because I started using CO2 long before other kit such as, e.g. CO2 art has been available. I’ve found it to be well made and reliable.
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Hmmm....Amazon reviews not great for Fluval or JBL kits that I can find! Might have answered my own question already, but please chip in if you have any advice for a newbie :)
I think Fluval only make 95g these stets have limitations and only are really only suitable for nano ,small tanks but they are ok IME, More economical to use a regulator from eg CO2Art or in UK Aquarium Gardens and purchase a FE bottle. There is amd range for using 600g disposable bottles but you need to replace and cannot refill of course
I've just ordered the Co2Art kit, thanks for your help!

Any ideas where I should get a Co2 bottle from? Google isn't helping so far. I'm in Horsham in Sussex.

And what size? I don't mind spending a little extra in order to not have to change it too often.
Ah - I have found stockists for both Hobbyweld and Adams products about 20 minutes away.

Looks like the 3.15kg is the biggest canister that will fit in my cabinet - any ideas roughly how long that would last me for a 200l tank?
I suppose it will depend on your exact settings but to give you a rough idea I have a 240l tank and a CO2 Art regulator but use fire extinguisher. A 2kg Cannister lasts me around 11 months I run at between 1 and 2 bubbles per second (working pressure of 30psi)
Ah, I keep seeing people mentioning fire extinguishers....interesting! Do you get them refilled locally?
Just dispose of the empty bottles and buy a new one!
Hi folks, im just starting up also and i think il go with the c02 art reg- i have 2 questions-

my tank is only 57l - will this be ok for a tank that small? i do plan on an upgrade to bigger tank in future.

is it easy enough to attach the reg to the fire extinguisher?

my tank is only 57l - will this be ok for a tank that small?
Yes. I think they come with a needle valve, but they are very precise.
I have showed them to an engineer who designs regulators for hospitals and he was rather impressed. Better than anything industrial-welding in my opinion.
is it easy enough to attach the reg to the fire extinguisher?
Yes, it is very easy. Guidance can be found <here>.
Apologies for saying the obvious, but be safety-minded. My top tip is to keep the windows and doors open and/or have somebody check up on you. First time, I covered my hands and arms in case anything leaked onto me.
Thanks Simon.i will heed your advice. When buying a 2kg fire ext, is there a certain type i need to get or just any c02 extinguisher?