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Java fern

Matty1983 said:
Someone tell me otherwise but I always thought that java fern did best attached to bog wood. I would love to see some pics of this tank when you get it up and running.

as long as the rhizome isnt buried then it is happy, i have the windelov just tucked into rockwork.
How do you post pictures? I just finished removing the old 3ft t8 tubes, 8 of them. Me an my dad are going to denmans to order some more tubes tuesday, probably 6 daylight and 2 cool white tubes. They might have to order them in as they might not have them in stock so i'll order the ferns when the tubes are a couple days away.
i have found java fern to grow very well above the water line with out any problems, in all cases i started in one of two ways, either i just pulled a small plantlet off a leaf and placed it onto a branch then draped a small piece of java moss over it to help hold it in place, the plantlet did wilt and dry up within a day or two, but after another 2-3 weeks it started to grow and i had no problems with the new growth drying out. the other way i have grown it was to break off a piece of the rhizome about an inch and a half in length and place it or wedge it where i wanted it to grow, again after a couple of weeks away it grew, here is a pic of some java fern growing above the water in my tank, it has probably doubled in size since then and i have taken cuttings from it too.
here is the link to the post with my tank, it has been running since the begining of last year so you can flick through the pictures and get an idea of the growth rate of the different plants, the faster ones were removed over time and the anubais and java fern are now the dominant plants in the tank
bogman said:
i have found java fern to grow very well above the water line with out any problems, in all cases i started in one of two ways, either i just pulled a small plantlet off a leaf and placed it onto a branch then draped a small piece of java moss over it to help hold it in place, the plantlet did wilt and dry up within a day or two, but after another 2-3 weeks it started to grow and i had no problems with the new growth drying out. the other way i have grown it was to break off a piece of the rhizome about an inch and a half in length and place it or wedge it where i wanted it to grow, again after a couple of weeks away it grew, here is a pic of some java fern growing above the water in my tank, it has probably doubled in size since then and i have taken cuttings from it too.
here is the link to the post with my tank, it has been running since the begining of last year so you can flick through the pictures and get an idea of the growth rate of the different plants, the faster ones were removed over time and the anubais and java fern are now the dominant plants in the tank
Did you have any java fern growing in the water, im trying to figure out if they grow faster emersed compared to underwater.
i have it growing above and below the water, i have found it grows much quicker above the water, but that may be because the plant is nearer the light and has an unlimited supply of co2 where as i do not add carbon to the water
the java fern in the picture i posted was originally taken as a cutting from a plant growing below the water, the one above the water has passed out the one below by a mile, along with producing leaves that are approx 4 times the mass of those under water, though that may just be this cultivar of java fern, (it was a Denerle plant )as i have placed other pieces of JF from other plants on branches and it has produced smaller slimmer leaves than the original plant that was grown below the water, but yes that too did grow much quicker, as did the cultivar windol (spelling!)
i have recently added a piece of the narrow leaved tropica cultivar, as yet i do not know how well it will grow, but once i do i will add to the post
bogman said:
i have it growing above and below the water, i have found it grows much quicker above the water, but that may be because the plant is nearer the light and has an unlimited supply of co2 where as i do not add carbon to the water
the java fern in the picture i posted was originally taken as a cutting from a plant growing below the water, the one above the water has passed out the one below by a mile, along with producing leaves that are approx 4 times the mass of those under water, though that may just be this cultivar of java fern, (it was a Denerle plant )as i have placed other pieces of JF from other plants on branches and it has produced smaller slimmer leaves than the original plant that was grown below the water, but yes that too did grow much quicker, as did the cultivar windol (spelling!)
i have recently added a piece of the narrow leaved tropica cultivar, as yet i do not know how well it will grow, but once i do i will add to the post
Thankyou, thats the kind of info I need when you said the denerle plant was it philippene java fern ?http://plantedtanks.net/plants/philippine-java-fern-microsorum-pteropus-philippine/attachment/microsorum-pteropus-philippine-java-fern-close-up/
Oh just an update I ordered 8 daylight tubes but i'll still only run 4 at a time, they're arriving at denmans tomorrow so hopefully i'll order the plants tomorrow night. Hopefully I wont be too tierd from moving 5 tonnes of hardcore tomorrow.
bogman said:
i have it growing above and below the water, i have found it grows much quicker above the water, but that may be because the plant is nearer the light and has an unlimited supply of co2 where as i do not add carbon to the water
the java fern in the picture i posted was originally taken as a cutting from a plant growing below the water, the one above the water has passed out the one below by a mile, along with producing leaves that are approx 4 times the mass of those under water, though that may just be this cultivar of java fern, (it was a Denerle plant )as i have placed other pieces of JF from other plants on branches and it has produced smaller slimmer leaves than the original plant that was grown below the water, but yes that too did grow much quicker, as did the cultivar windol (spelling!)
i have recently added a piece of the narrow leaved tropica cultivar, as yet i do not know how well it will grow, but once i do i will add to the post
Sorry forgot to ask do you use fertilizer, if so what do you use?
hello, i am not sure what philippine ava fern is 😳 so i cannot say,
i would be of the opinion that there are lots of different java fern forms / variants cultivars available sold a java fern (not including the common named vars like narrow, needle windovl etc etc) i have seen totally different growth habits from many different java fern plant that were all just sold as 'java fern' , and by that i mean different growths that could not just be put down to different growing conditions, that is why i mentioned where the plant i mentioned was sourced from.
re the ferts, the tank has received no ferts in many many months, maybe... since some time last summer, i was using a cheap general liquid fertilizer at the rate of i think 8mm per day that i bought in a lidl store , the brand was 'Grandiol' i think and was for pot plants, summer bedding etc. it was about €2.50 but i ran out of it and the shop had no more, though it should be available again soon in lidl with the summer coming and them stocking garden products again, i must keep an eye out and buy a couple of bottles this time
i post with photobucket, i just right click and copy the IMG code and paste it in the post
Getthejist said:
This is just regarding windelov, my windelov grows really well in low light with no added co2 or carbon. Obviously not as fast as in a high tech tank but it still has good growth.
Do you use ferts?
Getthejist said:
I dose micro nutrients but I don't dose much. And with regular java I've had it in a tub with no extra light or ferts and its grown 🙂
Ha that makes me feel abit supid asking about lights and ferts lol.