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Its hi from me


26 Jan 2012
I'd like to introduce myself to what looks to me to be a fantastic site

I'd like to describe myself as fairly knowledgable when it comes to fish but when it comes to plants I'm a total novice

Its a matter of plant them and hope for the best - which is usually either coated in black algae or brown and full of holes

Not something I'm proud to admit but like the fish I just need to learn - hence joining this forum

So from the beginning please where do I start?

Can I just tell you my tank is about 170l (it was made to order so isn't a brand) I run a Fluval 305 external filter. It has two lighting tubes (1 pink 1 blue) which I have on from 1pm to 9pm. The substrate is JBL Manado recommended by my LFS.

I have a couple of large pieces of bogwood & a few sizeable pieces of rock, I don't really know the names of the plants I currently have been I would say they are so so at the moment

Do you need to know anything else?

Any help will be much appreciated :wave:
Oh! People are answering this post. First I thought its a SPAM stuff with a hazy title and a, ..., well, not-so-obvious forum name..

This is what happens when one "learns online how to ignore spam messages"... Sorry, no offence! 🙂
Oops sorry about that vague title

I'll start with the reading and no doubt you'll be hearing from me again soon

You are most welcome! Apologies all the same, but we have had similarly titled spams before...