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It’s a weed

Is there scope for a thread dedicated to urns, columns, pots etc? I'm not suggesting the cheesier end of the spectrum, but I'd like to see more images of decorative elements that really work, like both yours do.
I have to trim this stuff on a regular basis. This is yesterday’s trimmings. There’s actually a lot more in the bucket than the stuff in the tray that’s going back in the tank. I use very little ferts and not very often, is it Corydoras poo making them grow so well?!

Stunning little tanks.

Although the ferts will make them grow even better i dont think its needed as they are so rampant. I think adding ferts does more to ward off algae taken hold?
I never used to be able to grow plants years ago but these two tanks are getting to be a bit of a chore having to keep trimming them! I put another Tropica plant I bought from Pets at Home in the 37L and it’s about doubled in size in a couple of months. It looked a bit pale when I put it in there but all the new growth has nice, almost bronze leaves. Do you think I should trim off some of the older leaves? Some of them have holes in them so look a bit tatty compared to the new ones.

The crypt will shed off those older leaves as the new ones are adapted specifically for your water conditions. You can pre-emptively cut them off, but I prefer to just let the plant figure it out and remove what the plant drops.