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Is this guy bonkers?!

Bonkers. Someone who suggests you try TASTING Excel simply has to be at the very least a dangerous source of information/advice. Plus, Tom Barr says he's wide of the mark in that same thread - I know which of the two I'd trust. Maple syrup is for pancakes.
paul.in.kendal said:
Someone who suggests you try TASTING Excel simply has to be at the very least a dangerous source of information/advice.
That should be reported to the forum's mod team ASAP.
True. Tasting Excel or any source of liquid carbon (Gluteraldehyde and all of its associated isomers) is just sheer lunacy. Maybe he drumk to much hence his maple syrup idea!

Incidently he hasn't posted anything since October last year, perhaps he tried it and wound up dead, or at least unable to type!

Tomato Ketchup is a great source of antioxidants that help promote beneficial bacterial and reduce algae.

(That's a joke, by the way).
I always wondered why companies bothered putting instructions like do not drink, its toxic on bottles like bleach etc....

Citrus bleach.....hmmmmmm lemony!

It now becomes clear! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh great, NOW everyone says it’s a joke. Could’ve done with knowing this last week!
My fish are finding it hard to swim after I put in a gallon of maple syrup. The tank is quite viscous now making fish propulsion difficult, tho I think the fish are happy, but perhaps this is just a sugar high? The water does at least have a tannin stain colour to it which is good and being able to pre-soak one’s pancakes at 25 degrees in the tank's maple water before eating them is priceless. Mmm!

I put dry EI on my breakfast because if it is good for plants, and plants are good for me, then logic dictates that EI must be good for me too. It's all quite simple really.
