Hey all
I'm been doing some testing with the staghorn algae
I got 5 plastic cups each with 200ml of Aquarium water (EI ferts)
Each of these I placed a small sample of staghorn algae and a sample of infected plant.
1 - control (just aquarium water)
very little change as expected.
2- high light (20w led 10cm away)
Staghorn has tripled in size.
3- 0.5ml of hydrogen peroxide added (6%)
Staghorn and leaf dead and white
4 - 0.5ml of glut (excel strength)
Staghorn dead- leaf yellowed but might recover
5- 5 days total darkness
Very little change, leaf not looking the best.
Only real surprise how a 5 day blackout made very little difference.
I want to try a 5 minute dip in a 1/3 glut 2/3 water followed by returning to normal aquarium water. Possibly try similar with peroxide.
Ps there appears to be less in my tank, I still have a infected Crinum calamistratum and some on balansae, as both are very slow growing I'm thinking about pulling them up and repeating a 5 minute dip. I'm going to try with a syringe full of glut but I'm not convinced.
I've also cleaned out my filter and doing 2 x 70% water changes a week.