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Is this algae on my crypts or nutrient deficiency?

Thanks. I was thinking that would be the case. Hopefully it should be okay to remove them in a month or two. Being two inch fish they hopefully won’t be able to move too many of them.
To be honest, I’m surprised a Pleco didn’t kill them off by whacking into the rhizomes.
To be honest, I’m surprised a Pleco didn’t kill them off by whacking into the rhizomes.

He didn't and that was on sand substrate. However, as a matter of fact he was quite a gentle swimmer taking care to swim around the plants and not through them, unlike what you'd expect of a fish his size so maybe not the great example 🙂

I have a crypt only tank which I once decided to re-scape. When I started pulling out all the crypts, the root systems were as long as the tank length. As I lifted up the crypts, the entire sand layer was being lifted like a sheet.
The same thing happened with my tank when I had to tear it down while moving home. It was like pulling up weeds. Sounds like a lovely fish btw.