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Is keeping fish in bare tanks an act of cruelty?

This discussion reminds me of another one we had here a while ago...https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/whats-your-reactions-when.42741/

Remarkable isn't it!?.. The meaning behind this reoccuring subject is that people do think about it, but the practice stays well alive at the same time.
Mean while, the answer should be obvious and it shouldn't even be questioned.. Since locking a human for long periods of time up in a bare room is without question nor doubt rather considered a somewhat cruel punishment. What does make us so unsure and the topic questionable when it conserns animals? After all they live with the same basic senses as we do.
When one of my tanks broke down and my corys ended up from a tank with fine gravel to a plastic container with sand, first thing they did was bury themselves halfway down in the sand. They were like kids. I can argue they were happy in the gravel tank as they were very healthy either way.....but its the joy they seem to experience, or whatever the right word is for fish seemingly being happy, that makes you think twice next time you try keeping them in the same unsuitable conditions...We determine the entire lives of these little creatures and the least we can do is make them happy and keep them healthy.

For the last few months I incidentally I ended up keeping fish in a black above ground indoor pond, and the activity level, colours of the fish, and interaction with me has never been better. The more cover you give them, the more privacy they have, the more they anticipate seeing you and feel comfortable with you around. I have 10 clown loaches now. Anyone that knows clown loaches may know they could be shy fish and run away from you. The other day I put all my hand down to the bottom to pick up a melon I had fed the fish. My baby clown loaches shot straight at me and started nibbling my hands up and down which is very unusual for these fish. They normally now get excited and gather at the surface when they see my head staring down, so do the other fish. I've kept clown loaches for years and have a bunch of 5 year old loaches as well that lived in glass tanks the majority of their lives. They were never as friendly in a glass tank and are now extremely friendly and relaxed with me. Despite the ugliness of the pond in comparison to a glass tank, there's no way I can put these fish back, not the same fish, in a see through box...as they've already seen better.

There's many things we can improve the environment of fish and a bare bottom tank is not one of them. I'd rather stick to a very thin layer of sand which I think is ideal. Whether its act of cruelty or not, I don't know but it is actually counteractive health wise to have a bare bottom because bare glass is known to develop nasty biofilm which is otherwise controlled by the bio-diversity of established substrate. Bacteria and parasites eat each other. There's a food chain for them too, and keeping a bare bottom means creating a super environment for a selected few that become pathogenic. Similar to us humans on Earth....We're the nastiest parasite ever, feed on anything and of everything, of each other too metaphorically speaking 🙂

There, fish living in plastic 🙂 The amount of substrate I have can't even cover my smallest nail but there's enough for them to browse through. There's a bristlenose in there that's 4-5 years old now. As a matter of fact I barely saw him before he got moved to this tank last year. He's out all the time now.

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But then again, field researchers reported finding adult kilifish living in a flooded footprint of an elephant.. Now it gets complicated, doesn't it? Nature does that. If it's a justification for us to do that too? I don't know..

WOW. Just goes to show that fish really aren't fussy by nature, they just take what's delt to them and live with it. As long as the fish has its basic needs met its not going to care that there's a plastic clam that opens and closes with air bubbles coming out of it or even if the tank is devoid of anything.
OW. Just goes to show that fish really aren't fussy by nature, they just take what's delt to them and live with it. As long as the fish has its basic needs met its not going to care that there's a plastic clam that opens and closes with air bubbles coming out of it or even if the tank is devoid of anything.

Well it's hasn't much of a choise sometimes, it's just a freak of nature an egg or fry ended up in there with a bird bading in it or something like that.. It beeing in there doesn't nessecary say it feels comfortable. In most cases when a fish shows it, its about to late to do something about it. I would be the same as if you couldn't speak and no hand to write, then try to tell someone your not feeling well. Nobody probably will notice till you fall over.
But some are indeed very well addapted to surviving very harsh conditions. Take for example the Carp, this fish still lives in rather poluted, parasite invested muddy pudlles where everything else is long dead.

In our neighbourhood we had such a pool, the socker club next to it used it to water the fields. It took more water from the pool than the spring could provide and was slowly draining it and killing all the fish. The last fish in there was the carp. Nobody did anything about it, I caught carps there with a rod and a piece of floating bread one after the other sometimes 8 in a few our session from 15 to 20 lbs. They were allmost all infested with some worm all over there body, mainly on their head and in their mouth. Don't know what it was it looked like a small red leach. Anyway took 'm all in a sack to another nearby very large lake 10 minutes away. It was realy horrible to see and remarkable how resiliant these animals are. But i think i resqued about 35 carps in all from that stincky pool.
I use a bare tank for the betta (5gal) and find that much easier to keep clean. I have either plastic or live plants in there for quiet spots, etc. For cleaning the tank I just take out and put back in.

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I use a bare tank for the betta (5gal) and find that much easier to keep clean
Keep clean from what exactly? The only way one can "clean" a tank properly is if they change the water daily. Water is the stuff these fish "breathe" and the majority of pollution comes from fish's gills..i.e. it gets dissolved into the water. What affects fish is what's dissolved into that water. They care nothing for detritus and dirt, and in fact some fish love stuffing their noses in such stuff. This same stuff does not pollute the water as much. It's just unsightly. We clean tanks for aesthetics. Being human beings, we have a need for aesthetics but what fish care about is their water being changed...drained and filled with the minimum of fuss and stress for the fish, meaning removing of decor is actually stressful to fish. How long have you had the betta for? Sorry for being blunt..
Keep clean from what exactly? The only way one can "clean" a tank properly is if they change the water daily. Water is the stuff these fish "breathe" and the majority of pollution comes from fish's gills..i.e. it gets dissolved into the water. What affects fish is what's dissolved into that water. They care nothing for detritus and dirt, and in fact some fish love stuffing their noses in such stuff. This same stuff does not pollute the water as much. It's just unsightly. We clean tanks for aesthetics. Being human beings, we have a need for aesthetics but what fish care about is their water being changed...drained and filled with the minimum of fuss and stress for the fish, meaning removing of decor is actually stressful to fish. How long have you had the betta for? Sorry for being blunt..

Clean from the buildup of fish waste eg poo. Think of it as cutting out the gravel part of the gravel vac. So no, not related to aesthetics at all.

This betta, I would say several years now.

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