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Is Buddleia Root safe?


23 Aug 2018
At the start of the spring I dug up a huge Buddleia. I was somewhat astounded at the size of the root ball. I still have it, and it is a wonderful shape - just right for my tank. I've searched on google to no avail. Although the plant is listed as a 'safe' plat to be around ponds and other animals - does anyone know if the root would be safe to add to a freshwater tank, or is it a stupid idea?!
Aha! That's a brilliant result - thank you. Could I ask, mine seems to have a 'bark leyer' (even though it's root) Did yours have that? The wood underneath looks lovely and smooth, so I may just pick all that away - hopefully it won't disintegrate...
Did it leech any colour into the water?
Hi all,
Could I ask, mine seems to have a 'bark leyer' (even though it's root) Did yours have that?
It did, a sort of papery layer of bark.

In my case it was exactly a root, it was right at the bottom of the stem where the plant had fallen over and then re-grown, leaving a large dead boss. Some of the wood inside was decayed, but it had an outer section of really hard, dense wood.

The wood was very pale in colour and it didn't leach many tannins.

cheers Darrel