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Is anyone using Mano Base?

I've used the Mano Base Black. It did send my water values askew a little when it first went into the tank. But nothing regular water changes or soaking it for a week or two, couldn't sort out and no worse than I've experienced with the 'Pink' Cat Litter.

After that it worked as well as the Tesco pink cat litter. Switched from it as it started showing a lot of very pale pink stones, but wish now I'd just topped it with something like Stratum.
I'm thinking of going back to it and will probably top with a layer of Stratum just for the colour.
Well I've just bought two 10l bags of it yesterday (probably need another) along with two bags of NutriBase so I'll give it a go.
It did send my water values askew a little when it first went into the tank. But nothing regular water changes or soaking it for a week or two, couldn't sort out
Any chance of elaborating, I'm hoping the Calcium will quickly become depleted with soft water changes and is not part of it's constituent make up?
I'm already a big fan of FloraBase, it has retained it's integrity far longer than AS which I've used in the past and it's not steeped in Ammonia.
It settled down after a few weeks. Water was crystal clear by the day after setting up. Good luck, looking forward to seeing what your tank looks like.