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iPhone fert dosing app


27 Dec 2009
Denton, Manchester
Just came across this before http://itunes.apple.com/app/mistergreen ... 59633?mt=8 and thought I'd download it. Seems relatively good. Anyone else have it by any chance?

Not sure if I'm allowed to link to it of not apologies.

I did notice that the solution mix seems way off though. 29 tspn of kno3 in a 1000ml bottle for 12 doses on a 100 gallon tank? That's nearly twice what I dose now.
Dry dosing seems ok though
That's the only reason I downloaded because it was so cheeeap. Could do with improvements here n there but is a good app.
Maybe it could also explain the dose it gives whether it's daily or weekly amount. If your new to it you could be left wondering when to dose.