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iPhone 4 questions

  • Thread starter George Farmer
  • Start date

George Farmer

Hi all

Just treated myself to a new iPhone 4 to replace my Samsung Blade. I know the iPhone 5 is out soon but the deal was amazing.

The only other Apple kit I own is an iMac.

Will they 'recognise' each other and sync so I can transfer all my iTunes etc. from my iMac on to the iPhone.

Any other hints and tips?

(Please don't turn this thread into an Apple or iPhone bash!)

How far on the horizon is the iphone 5? I'm sort of hoping they update the classic ipod now mine has finally reached the end of it's insurance policy so I have to buy a new one.
So what was the amazing deal? :) I got used iphone 3g for 50 euro from friend. That's what I call deal.
Plug into iTunes and hit the sync button
Get tapatalk forum reader as well to keep up with ukaps in the move you can post pics direct from your phone as well
From what I've heard iPhone 5 has been delayed due to the earthquake in Japan as that's where the hardware comes from
Was supposed to be released June / July looking more like jan/fen now
Had iPhone since they first came out need help let me know

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tidy up your address book on your iMac. If you don't want all your contacts on your phone make a Folder in Address Book on your iMac called iPhone (or whatever you want), and put the contacts you do want on your phone in there. You can then choose to sync only that folder (in iTunes).

Have a look at the options in iTunes when you get it, and it should be pretty straightforward to choose what you want to sync.

It's a great phone.

Thanks, guys.

I'm quite excited!
I dunno, the lack of tactile feedback still bothers me with touch screens. I'm waiting for them to be so ubiquitous that I can pick one on a £10 contract otherwise, I'm out.
Touchscreen is good I was never fan of Iphone I am also skeptic now I mean I use phone for work 2-3 hours a day all I do is calling and I like controls of my call when need to go on mute or connect other or dial conf call numbers. But other than that I can do that on any phone with touchscreen available. Even for me it is expensive piece of kit and I am using it for work. If I would not pay 50 euros I would not bother at all. If you does not know how to spend your money then go for it :)
It's an awesome phone mate, had mine for ages.

Get tapatalk app, and then add it to this forum... easy browsing on the iphone, no need to zoom in out, much slicker than safari...

And jailbreak it. Easy as, and a shedload of cool tweaks...

PM me if you've changed your number. Might be over your way with work on an errand soon.