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Interzoo BABY!

a few other scape from Interzoo....

Oliver Knott @ Anubias. Looked great!


Oliver Knott @ Aquadeco


This one was a stunning tank at ELOS. The foliage background and the blue spots around the both gave a real special effect on this tank.


Oliver Knott @ Vitrea. Really cool and these LEDs was the top of the show in lighting


Oliver Knott


There were many amazing tank on the fair. I am sure you will see them shortly on many blogs and magazines.
Cheers Viktor! Those tanks look great! I really like the aquadeco one. Do you know who made their intake by the way?
Elos are always amazing, from scape to equipment, but when even a nano costs upwards of a grand I guess it has to be!

This picture made me smile
it reminded me of R crumbs keep on truckin'.
Haha! Deffinately, give each one of them a scaping tool and the last one a bag of substrate. 😉
Wow, the two scapes at Tropica's booth really represented the best in aquascaping styles to me. One is a lush fully planted tank with a carpet and one is an open-foreground one. Beautiful scapes from from UKAPS and TGM. Elos' scape is really nice too.

Did you guys check the number of new members signing up after Interzoo? 8)
sanj said:
I think it is this Hygrophila pinnatifida. Not a fern... 😀
Yes, it is Hygrophila Pinnatifida.

Somebody at the stand also told me that if getting proper ferts it does not stay like this and it can grow really wide and big leafs... So he advised me to be careful with it, for this "visual effect" will not last.

I really do not know if that is true, I know they have been in the tank with proper dosing (check the plant health) for some time, so I will wait for some feedback from fellow aquascapers.

Talking of plants --- I did not know of Anubias Petite before (it might have been around, just skipped my attention), and have seen them in at least 3 tanks at Interzoo. A really good foreground plant instead of say Staurogyne if you want darker colors - or darker spots to contrast with say Eleocharis or HC.

Sounds like you guys had a great time 🙂 when am I going to get an invite? 😛
Congrats on showing what UKAPS is all about 🙂
What can i say? Interzoo rocked! It's like a dream for people like us, more equipment than you can shake a stick at with some good looking tanks and a few lovely fish too.

It was great to meet Keymaker, Nigro and Victor, it was a shame we couldn't spend more time together.

Oliver Knott's tanks were pretty cool, as it was mentioned, his Tropica tank wasn't as good as i expected but it did have it's own charm and to be fair, he included ALL of Tropica's new species which we new would be a challenge. He's got his own fertiliser range too.

LED seemed to be "in" thing this year, there were some lovely units there. The major thing for me was the release of Tropica's fourth generation plants - plants grown inside a sealed clear pot with a nutrient rich gel for the roots to feed off. They have a shelf life of around 4 weeks and i'm sure the concept is going to work a treat. A lot of the plants that we used on our tank were grown like this and it's great to work with, no messing around with rock wool.

We had a chat with Chris Lukhaup and the world tour with him, Amano and Bleher is happening, he's gonna let us know when he's arranged some dates etc but they are looking to do at least two dates in the UK.

A big thanks goes to Tropica for giving us the opportunity to to work with them and show what the UK has to offer.

I'll get some photo up soon.
keymaker said:
Talking of plants --- I did not know of Anubias Petite before (it might have been around, just skipped my attention), and have seen them in at least 3 tanks at Interzoo. A really good foreground plant instead of say Staurogyne if you want darker colors - or darker spots to contrast with say Eleocharis or HC.

According to the Tropica site, its very slow growing but also low light, low CO2, etc... May make a nice carpet in a low tech but may also broke you when you have to buy hundreds to put in the tank, though... May start a thread in the plants section about this...
I thought petitie was one of the plants that they dropped from the range along with phillipene fern?
Here's a low-res video of the Tropica stand.

I'm in the middle of writing up a report so will post that and plenty of photos soon...(Early next week).
JamesM said:
Awesome guys!

I've been away for a while as my old man had a heart attack, but damn, this is a welcome return, good job 😀
sorry to hear that, my dad gave us a big fright recently with a stroke. What are they like, parents!? Hope he is doing well.
flygja said:
Anubias barteri sp nana var Petite? That's strange, I thought you can't plant the rhizome into soil?
You can always attach them to some pebbles and just sit on on the gravel! 😉
George Farmer said:
Here's a low-res video of the Tropica stand.

I'm in the middle of writing up a report so will post that and plenty of photos soon...(Early next week).

What lighting is it on the nanos, George? They look great... Looking forward to the report. 😀
The lighting on the nano's is from an italian company, Oliver knott put a link to them on his pbase site but it's since been removed and I can't find it in my history. 🙁