Hi all,
Well I seem to have set the cat amongst the pigeons here, but I think the debate is healthy and interesting, and pretty informative even though there are differing opinions. After reading all the posts I am still weighing it up, or at least I was! I have ordered the UV 9 watt internal filter, which looks a pretty good build spec, see link on first page. Although it does state 500 litres per hour which flies in the face of the apparent 'Dwell Time' for the UV to have a reasonable effect on the water flowing through it. I might have to try reducing the flow through the filter so the water stays longer in contact with the UV.
However, I thought what the heck, even if the UV does not sort out the diatomous alge, at least there will be some additional filtration and increase flow around the tank.
I suppose if it works I will not really know whether it was the UV or the increased flow. Pity there isn't an 'on off' switch, still until I try it I won't know for sure. I have read so much stuff now on the net about UV reducing the 'Redox Potential' which apparently is a good thing.
The pictures below are not from my tank but it gives you an idea of what it looks like, at this stage it is not possible to brush or siphon off.
This picture probably shows it best what it gets like.
I know Clive will tear his hair out when he reads this but I dug out all my test kits
😱 from the garage and did some measurements.
PH using Drops kit 7.0
PH using a PH Pen 6.90
PH reading off a PH Electrode in the tank 6.75 at lights on
KH 1.0
GH 0.0
Ammonia zero
Nitrite zero
Nitrate over 100 parts per ml - This caused by adding the KNO3 as per the EI Dosing regime.
Some might say I have great tap water, it comes out at zero KH and zero GH, yet the PH is 7.0 which doesn't compute either, so the GH and the KH in my tank is really low. I ned to find a safe way to buffer it up I think?
I bought a TDS meter recently and found the following:
TDS straight from the cold water tap = 90 ppm
TDS water coming out of my HMA Filter = 120 ppm (how does that work) I thought HMA Filters were supposed to filter dissolved solids out of the water not add them?
TDS in the tank = 200 ppm (Which goes up to 300 ppm straight after I have added the CSM+ Trace which I suppose is to be expected.
Any views, comments, suggestions or recommendations based on all of the above very gratefully received.
On another note, I have just added two L - Plecs mini chocolate type to add to the grazing crew, and I never thought I would say this, two Zebra snails! I put the snails in yesterday and the rock I sat them on is absolutely spotless this morning.
So the debate goes on, and it is really on the subject of 'to UV or not to UV? That is the question