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Internal / HOB recommendations


10 Dec 2020
Hi guys
I have a little 20L high tech tank and am in search of a new filter. It's currently sat on top of my kitchen side so an external is out of the question (wife said no šŸ˜”) soooo I need a small internal or a HOB.
Currently it has a fluval mini filter which is small and silent, you can't hear anything at all but I want a bit more flow. I also have a fluval U1 and U2 but both are too big in the tank.
I have about 200mm distance from substrate to the rim of the tank.
I did buy a cheap HOB from Amazon which made a horrendous noise and just sent an echoing noise through the kitchen.
Any recommendations for a filter that is silent like the fluval but with a bit more flow, I would like to be up around 300lph with the ability to turn it down if needs be.
Thank you!
Eheim mini UP says it does 300l/hr and you can adjust the flow. I use it on a 15 litre and it is very quiet.
I did look at that filter then decided not to because of how high the intake slots were. Almost seems like the lower down media would get bypassed. Everything else on it seems perfect though
Iā€™ve no idea about the rating but I think very highly of Dennerle Eckfilter / corner filter - totally silent. Iā€™ve run one for ages on my 20 litre.
The biopower looks decent! Looks expensive though. Is it silent?


I use the Gex slim filter Medium, for my desktop tank next to my WFH workspace (so it really has to be silent) it was silent for about 2 years, then got a bit noisy so I just changed it.

The Gex has the pump motor inside the water, in which case the water acts as a sound insulator. any vibrations from the motor that transfer to the main casing can be easily damped using blu-tack
Oase Hob 115 is great on my 60l tank, but it's MASSIVE! šŸ™‚
I use the Gex slim filter Medium, for my desktop tank next to my WFH workspace (so it really has to be silent) it was silent for about 2 years, then got a bit noisy so I just changed it.

The Gex has the pump motor inside the water, in which case the water acts as a sound insulator. any vibrations from the motor that transfer to the main casing can be easily damped using blu-tack
That looks VERY like the Marina Slim series. Would be interested to know where to source the Gex to see how prices compare.
I have the Marina Slim 10 (cheaper on ebay) on a couple of small brood / grow-out tanks for livebearers - the single compartment one. Same reason as erwin, self-starting. I've used split airline for the same function as erwin's blu-tac.
The flow from the outflow is surprisingly strong. In the 35L there's also a Pat Mini, which would be too strong for your 20L unless you reined it right back. But in the 25L I have the Marina and a basic sponge filter, and flow is fine.
The pain in the back is that they want you to use disposable pads, which naturally are to be binned and sponge (or whatever in place) but the slots for the pads make it a pain (not impossible) to fouter the sponge in. I have the 100ml purigen bag at the outflow which works well.
So I went to my LFS for just a look at the fish and plants and walked out with a glass cleaner and a filter. The guy in the shop holds lots of different filters but told me to try the interpet cpf1 corner filter. It seemed to tick all the boxes. I got it home and opened it up pulled all the media out and replaced it with sponge. It has a slight hum to it but it's not horrendous. I need to take it apart as it's making a kind of rattle noise, it's not loud but it's there. I do like the idea of those little hobs though to get a bit more space in the tank.
I've been looking at the Superfish ones, they do look good!
Running a Superfish 50 on my little Mini Eclectic Tank!

Good points!
Good turnover.
Adjustable Flow rate down to a trickle.
The cover is a good fit.
The filter holder can be taken apart.
Pretty silent on full flow.
The skimmer can be removed.

Other points!
The intake pipe is clear, which will accumulate green algae if running high light.
The intake pipe is a tad too long for a small aquarium....best if they make this tube in two parts!
Other than that, it is excellent value for the money paid.
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Are those the filters that come with the maidenhead aquatics scaper tanks?
Are those the filters that come with the maidenhead aquatics scaper tanks?
Yes if it is the above product!
I have the scaper 90 and got rid of that filter šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø however it would have been far to big for 20l haha
I have the scaper 90 and got rid of that filter šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø however it would have been far to big for 20l haha
The Superfish 50 will do the job!
Hmm so now I think I have a choice between the superfish 50 and the marina/gex. At least with a hob I have that extra space back which is good. It's just the choice between the internal pump or external pump.