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Initial water change schedule

When I 1st setup the tank i plugged in the heater & turned it to 22 degrees. 12 hours later I checked the temp. it was nearly 25 & i turned the heater down to 18. Next reading was nearly 24 so i unplugged the heater (will look at calibration in due course). The next reading was just under 23. This seems odd as the room ambient temperature is 21. Just checked the temperature again and its 22.6. Is there something in the chemistry up of a new sett up that generates heat? I appreciate there's a bunch of electrical equipment and lights but all that is cool to touch.
When I 1st setup the tank i plugged in the heater & turned it to 22 degrees. 12 hours later I checked the temp. it was nearly 25 & i turned the heater down to 18. Next reading was nearly 24 so i unplugged the heater (will look at calibration in due course). The next reading was just under 23. This seems odd as the room ambient temperature is 21. Just checked the temperature again and its 22.6. Is there something in the chemistry up of a new sett up that generates heat? I appreciate there's a bunch of electrical equipment and lights but all that is cool to touch.
I think water always holds slightly more heat than the air temp. I used to do a lot of river fishing and in winter I was testing the water temp it was always warmer than the air temp. Cheers Lee.
When I 1st setup the tank i plugged in the heater & turned it to 22 degrees. 12 hours later I checked the temp. it was nearly 25 & i turned the heater down to 18. Next reading was nearly 24 so i unplugged the heater (will look at calibration in due course). The next reading was just under 23. This seems odd as the room ambient temperature is 21. Just checked the temperature again and its 22.6. Is there something in the chemistry up of a new sett up that generates heat? I appreciate there's a bunch of electrical equipment and lights but all that is cool to touch.
Just having the water being moved around in the tubing will heat it slightly and that is ignoring the extra heat added to the water from the heat the pump it self generates. It is thermodynamics 101, you add work to the system and that will in the end end up as heat.

Edit: Your light will also generate heat both from IR directly heating and from the visible light getting absorbed and reemitted as IR.
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Hah 😀
They fly all over the world, and are often posted within Asia or between transhippers/distributors & retail vendors

As long as you’re home to receive the package or pick up direct from post office/shipping outlet, a well packaged shrimp should be fine 🙂