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Increasing flow by adding koralia 2- advice needed


11 Mar 2009
Hi guys

Just quick questions.

Ive got 2 filters eheim 2217 and tetratec ex 1200. From each of them there are seperate spray bars which are placedon the full lenght of the back side. Into 1 filter I connected atomizer so co2 is everywhere in my tank. As we know over the time flow strenght might decrease little be, and I want to increase it by adding Koralia 2.

Will be a good idea if I will place Koralia 2 right in the middle of the tank, on the top just below the spraybar and give the direction straight to the front or little be down? Will this idea do well?

Thank you for all advices.

Initially, the default location of supplementary pumps should always be exactly in the middle just below the spraybar and pointing exactly straight ahead. When flow exits a nozzle it expands in the shape of a cone. As the water flow further from the nozzle the flow in the cone may interfere with the flow from the spraybar, however they generally will be heading in the same direction towards the front glass. As long as the Koralia is not pointed left or right it will not cause destructive interference with the spraybar flow and the cone will spread out evenly left and right.

However, in your particular tank, you may have some plants which need a little more help than others. Just observe the plants and see which do well and which struggle.You might see that small wisps of hair, BBA or BGA form in some areas but not in others. Or the growth in a particular area may not be as vigorous as in others. If so, adjust the location of the Koralia so that it is closer to that side (left or right) above the plant(s) that are not doing as well. Sometimes it works better to have the mountain come to Mohamed by moving the plant instead of moving the pump. This all depends on your aquascape, the type of plant, as well as the practical limitations of the hardscape.
