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In need of some low needs plants

Zebra Fish

30 Nov 2014
so i've gone through a few different plants that slowly died off for different reasons. at the minute im reintegrating my DIY co2 system, my lighting is 9x0.2w, im currently trying easy life profito fertiliser (5ml a week but may start upping if deficiency is showing), and root tabs as well.

so far i have:
two amazon swords (surviving)
christmas moss (died off)
Egeria densa (died off)
Hygrophila polysperma (been in for nearly two weeks and looking good)
brazillian pennywort (doing well)
moss balls (don't seem to do amazing usually get a hole in one side)
staurogyne repens (two batches both of which died off)
water lettuce
amazon frogbit

the only thing thats really lasted any consistent amount of time through the co2 system set up and dismantle, which by the end of the week will be back in full swing. so what can i have that is low requirements that's a near no fail. i do know my frogbit failed because there was too much surface flow so i am tempted to see if i can get any to put in my shrimp tank with only sunlight but with next to no surface aggitation and see if they manage in there because i absolutely loved how the long roots looked.
How you tried java fern, anubius or crypts?

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Not tried crypts but I've not been as keen on anything to tie onto something. I was hoping to do and anubius in the shrimp tank

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Should these two do okay ?? 8dae2debce2c8fcb15053db971cc43e7.jpg335febeb8b18a7ae6dbb1e02c07c6f42.jpg anyone grown them before or found they're not as low maintenance as they sound ??

Forgot to mention p.H 7.5 or something around been a while since I last checked

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Crypt wendtii is very hardy - not sure about other plant.

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