Pretty sure,, the majority of the fishes we might keep do not much care for uber lighting,near toxic levels' of CO2,and or sharp increase's in TDS from the mineral salt's we use as fertilzer's daily/weekly.🙄
This is just where i wonder, what makes you so pretty sure?
In this is case is what you see is what you get.. Fish have no hands, no facial expressions nor body gestures we recognize, no speach, non of the communicating qualities we posses. At least that's what we like to think. If we do otherwise, it's more likely considered fantasy than fact.. Only thing they can do is flap their fins, swim around and filter oxygen from the water with their gils, look and sense around for something to eat and or play with their mates.
Ofcourse they have an abbilty to addapt to not optimal living qualities, if they weren's we wouldn't have fish at all. They are addapted to survive, some even can survive very severe bad invironmental qualities, but that still doesn't say they feel well in it. They have no other choice than try to hold on to survive and wait for beter days. Numerous examples in nature to find that fish which propagated in severe poluted waters have anatomical deformities making survival even more dificult. We have discovered that long term high concentrations of certain chemical elements cause anatomical deformities and probably severe discomfort in previous healty fish. If we didn't measure for it whit special tools non of it is to be seen, till you see a fish in bad shape. This doesn't happen over night, there propably as a long agenizing road of discomfort before the they even show it. And without measuring tools there is no way for for a fish to show us it isn't doing well.
But since we have no means to measure any of the emotions or sense of well beeing they might have developed, for us it is merely like watching a silent movie. And since we do not realy know we have the freedom to interpret the movie according to our own believe..
It is like watching a silent movie about the poverties in the third world countries. Where you see malnourished children still play and lauch.. Seeing that with no comment at all. Not knowing what you are looking at, but a dry and empty invironment with skiny lauching and playing children.. You also could say, "Hey look they are still playing and laughing, pretty sure they most not care for the condition they are in."
And they as human can survive such conditions for a rather very long time before they finaly collaps from weakness. Final conclusion, so do we have abbilities to survive rather shitty conditions for a long time. But because it conserns humans we all can reflect to that and know it aint fun if you have to. But if so than stil you need to laugh and be playfull now and then just to find little comfort.
To animals we cannot relate? Why not?
Now you believe they do not care much for it.. Which is a good right. I believe i can't know that. Rather, i think they might be more simmular to us then we might believe..
Emotions are something very natural, it is given to us by nature, so why not to them. It is proven that animals sense human emotoins. That by itslef is proof enough, if you can sense it you must know something about it. But other way around?
Ignorance is bliss?