It's allmost defenitely Rotala - and very likely Rotala indica 'bonzai' - which is the valid name for Ammannia 'bonzai' now.
Like Darell allready noticed, this is a plant, that has been (too) long time "in the dark"......which has made it pale and "out-stretched", not really looking itself 🙁.
There seem to be "strains" of 'bonzai', that actually differ a little - ex. one is a bit "skinny" and less willing to grow orange tips.
The good news is, that genetically it's ofcourse unchanged, though mistreated.....meaning, that if you provide the sufficient conditions, it will grow to look like the one in your pic. ( if it's the same "strain" as Tropica sell, since that's the one in your pic. - I know, since I grew it 😉 )