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Ich help......

Only just managed to get some Esha Exit, had ordered via amazon and the parcel got lost but managed to locate one locally.

Unfortunately I’ve suffered a great loss, most the hatchets have gone and the tetras as going, I’ve lost 8 out of a possible 30.

I just hope the meds start working and doing there job to save what’s left
Unfortunately I’ve suffered a great loss, most the hatchets have gone and the tetras as going, I’ve lost 8 out of a possible 30.

As alto pointed out, you also have white spot sensitive fish, both tetras and hatchets.....Sorry for your loss. It's not nice to experience...
On another hand, a bit of after-timing of course as I hadn't read the thread before, tetras, as well as being sensitive to white spot, are not quite sensitive to high temps and they would be fine up to 34C, at least majority of tetra species. I don't know anything about hatchet fish....but....one always takes a risk regardless of the course of action...In the case of diagnosed ich, an immediate action is better than the right action but delayed action.....