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IAPLC 2014

Just over 2 weeks to entry cutoff date.
Just thrown my slightly underwhelming hat into the mix.
3000th place, here i come.....
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This time I have put in some quality hardwork(especially on hardscape), so I'll be expecting something better than previous years ranks.
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Yeah had a 3.30amer taking pics, not for the first time I might add, so looking forward to after 31st May as can then can relax.. would be great to break under 300 this time..so let's see

One little thing I picked up last year which might be useful to be aware of, when converting your raw image to Jpeg your pic can change be it ever so slightly with the saturation and exposure, any thoughts on this would be appreciated..?

Good luck all !
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Unlikely I'll get mine in, just realised this morning my co2 was left unplugged since last week WC. No major damage but pinna has melted a fair bit. I'm away this week so will see what it's like next weekend.

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Can't believe it's this time of year already😱...I've been caught napping; I haven't got anything worth entering. But even though it goes without saying...I'm going to say it anyway...good luck to those that do!