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IAPLC 2012 people vote does this really needed?

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Man I stopped reading you. It's become so funny. So will not answer any of the above things. Maybe one thing missing from your list. I am Mr. Amano's right hand and manipulate every contest, judges, shops, individuals worldwide. I am an X-Men :lol: The devil itself. :angel:

Luckily the hobby is about a totally different thing. I am a big supporter of everyone who is open and helpful to the community. If you're in the business it's not something what makes you rich (if you wants to be go find something else), but if you're that kind of person it is a nice feeling that you do a mission driven by a passion. You more like to give something to the others rather than take away.

Good luck on future things G.

Rather than show the bad politics and negative campaign behind any contest, hating business or individuals, I am more to enjoy the scapes and entries and people behind the creations. Sharing and reading. Hopefully you will find this also sometime. At least I wish that for you.

Sorry from the rest. I rarely step up for a bash in public.
Victor be smart and dont get involved further in this.
I really wish admins review this and get Aquadream banned from ukaps as it happened on ASW before. Comes iaplc and here you have this man screeming again all over the world making a mess. I dont actually remember reading even one topic without a trace of negativeness.
The most stupid thing to say is that someone like Victor organises the contest solely for the business and not passion.
What do you think people start aquascaping businesses for in the first place if not for the passion to the hobby.
Only people like yourself in my opinion making IAPLC experience miserable.
viktorlantos said:
Man I stopped reading you. It's become so funny. So will not answer any of the above things. Maybe one thing missing from your list. I am Mr. Amano's right hand and manipulate every contest, judges, shops, individuals worldwide. I am an X-Men :lol: The devil itself. :angel:

Luckily the hobby is about a totally different thing. I am a big supporter of everyone who is open and helpful to the community. If you're in the business it's not something what makes you rich (if you wants to be go find something else), but if you're that kind of person it is a nice feeling that you do a mission driven by a passion. You more like to give something to the others rather than take away.

Good luck on future things G.

Rather than show the bad politics and negative campaign behind any contest, hating business or individuals, I am more to enjoy the scapes and entries and people behind the creations. Sharing and reading. Hopefully you will find this also sometime. At least I wish that for you.

Sorry from the rest. I rarely step up for a bash in public.

Before you go on laugh please answer this.

Did you or did you not say those things that I have published? I still keep the e-mails.

Besides if you have stopped reading what are you laughing about then> Why keep posting in this proposteres manner?

And just to remind you. I only opened a tred to share the grading of my aquascape. Nothing negative in there. You came on my tread to accuse me in cheating.
If that's so funny for you laugh then, what are you waiting for.
Piece-of-fish said:
Victor be smart and dont get involved further in this.
I really wish admins review this and get Aquadream banned from ukaps as it happened on ASW before. Comes iaplc and here you have this man screeming again all over the world making a mess. I dont actually remember reading even one topic without a trace of negativeness.
The most stupid thing to say is that someone like Victor organises the contest solely for the business and not passion.
What do you think people start aquascaping businesses for in the first place if not for the passion to the hobby.
Only people like yourself in my opinion making IAPLC experience miserable.

Mate. Before you take any side read the whole thread. See who started it and for what reason.
Look who used insults and who did not.

I suppose if Victor called you weird and accused you of cheating on the Popular Vote that would have been just fine, right?

See that in the very first answer to the tread I advised Victor to let go of this.

So it was implied for me that I cheat and I was called weird. Am I supposed to just take it laying down?
Alerted you that it may look bad for other contesters that your tank may will get good ranking and you're the organizer and sponsor of your event. This is not normal whatever reason you find for this.

On your other comment on judging I felt sick about all the things what happened and tried to resign if you remember. When I got emails from other judges on the same manner I knew that I am not alone at least. And I did not have to tell anything for the others they wrote me.

Calm down G I am finishing here really.
viktorlantos said:
Alerted you that it may look bad for other contesters that your tank may will get good ranking and you're the organizer and sponsor of your event. This is not normal whatever reason you find for this.

On your other comment on judging I felt sick about all the things what happened and tried to resign if you remember. When I got emails from other judges on the same manner I knew that I am not alone at least. And I did not have to tell anything for the others they wrote me.

Calm down G I am finishing here really.
Victor that's a lie. By your own words in this tread, there were no other e-mails to you from other judges to begin with. You've said that it was you who contact them in the first place.
Are you trying to twist your own testimony now?
foxfish said:
Come on guys - you are both very valid members of this community & I am sure most us us appreciate the majority of you post & threads but please stop this now, this argument is spoiling the forums sensible & friendly reputation :?
I agree. Ok I am done.
Aquadream said:
foxfish said:
Come on guys - you are both very valid members of this community & I am sure most us us appreciate the majority of you post & threads but please stop this now, this argument is spoiling the forums sensible & friendly reputation :?
I agree. Ok I am done.

+1 sorry guys
Hi Folks, i've locked this thread as it is no good for anyone. If you want a fight, do so via PMs. If you want to discuss the IAPLC sensibly then start a new thread.

Congratulations to all who entered the IAPLC, you should all be very proud of what you've achieved.

Peas and carrots :thumbup:
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