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IAPLC 2010 Results are out

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007

Congrats to all that entered! 😀

I've looked through the results and here's what I found. There's over 1,800 entries so I may have missed a couple; apologies.

49th Peter Kirwan (Ireland)
96th Viktor Lantos (Hungary)

Congrats to Peter and Viktor; Top 100 is aquascaping at the highest level.

From the UK -

457 Tony Swinney
500 Melvin Cotton
544 Stu Worrall
559 Dan Farmer (George and Dan)
608 James Starr-Marshall
752 Neil Whitley
888 James Maslin
893 Paulo Leal
997 Andy Hart
1045 Ted Eales
1147 Aaron North
1230 Sam Clowsley
1343 Damien Goffin
1574 Jason Griffiths
1804 Luis Embalo

What's most impressive for me about this is the level of UK participation this year; the best ever. It's a positive reflection of how the aquascaping hobby is growing here.
Hi George, i've just seen the results too just a few minutes ago. :shock: 😉
Congrat to all entrants from UKAPS. I think we all had a bet that Peter will do great as allways. :thumbup:

For my tank i am a bit supprised with the result. I do not think my tank is that strong, however i was very lucky to capture it in a good form and the photos were shooted in good quality. I had a thought yesterday i will not be in the top 300 so i can publish those photos finally. But now i may need to wait a bit.

Anyway i would like to say thank you guys, since the majority of the knowledge i learnt here. Many great inspirational tanks and professional scapers. Really helpful community and i love to be here. 😀 :thumbup: :angel:

Congrat to all who entered to the contest this year. :clap: :wave:
A big well done to Peter and Viktor, a top 100 placement is very respectable indeed :thumbup:
Congratulations to Tonser for being the highest ranked UK entrant :thumbup: , and congrats to all at UKaps who entered.
As George said it great to see the number of UK entrants is on the rise

I can't wait see the photos of the top 27, they're usually a real treat

Congratulations everyone, seems my lil Pico missed the cut 😳 :lol:
i'm well chuffed.1st time entering 😀 .

congrats everyone :clap: .

chilli,whats your real name then ?.
Congrats too all who entered. Melvin did well. I took the pictures for as hes an older dude shal we say. Top guy and well done to him.
Well done to all, a bumper turn out.

I did enter, and had the confermation email, but it seems im not down. I feel quite deflated about it. Im going to contact them to find out what happened to my entry 🙁

Dear Graeme Edwards,

Thank you for your applying to IAPLC2010.

Your information as belows was registered.


Graeme Edwards
Jase said:
Graeme Edwards said:
I did enter, and had the confermation email, but it seems im not down.

Same here, we just missed the cut :lol:
There isn't a cut, all entries should be included unless you've "broken the rules". I'd be very surprised if Graeme's 1800l bad boy didn't make the cut anyway, the best aquascape i've ever seen in real life!
Dan Crawford said:
There isn't a cut, all entries should be included unless you've "broken the rules". I'd be very surprised if Graeme's 1800l bad boy didn't make the cut anyway, the best aquascape i've ever seen in real life!

With people getting entry numbers in the 2000s i assumed they had cut some. I don't believe I have broken the rules, I did check them before entering, I don't think there was a minimum volume :crazy:

I didn't know what Graeme had entered, could have been scubadivers and blue gravel :lol:
Dan Crawford said:
Jase said:
Graeme Edwards said:
I did enter, and had the confermation email, but it seems im not down.

Same here, we just missed the cut :lol:
There isn't a cut, all entries should be included unless you've "broken the rules". I'd be very surprised if Graeme's 1800l bad boy didn't make the cut anyway, the best aquascape i've ever seen in real life!

For Graeme's not to have been ranked, for whatever reason, is a true travesty. I saw the final photos and it's one of the best aquascapes I've ever seen. To be honest, not seeing Graeme's result has tainted the whole event for me. 🙁

Let's hope this issue get's sorted soon.

I hope Jase's gets sorted too, of course.
I wonder whether the Vietnamese will put in another strong performance. The Polish may well be the top guys from outside the Orient. Still, if my World Cup predictions are anything to go by....

I checked the results pages about a dozen times to look for Graeme Edwards.
IMO Graeme is the UKs best scaper, not to have him represent us at contest is nothing short of criminal :evil:
If this is another misapplication of the 'unpublished work' rule by an international contest, then I think it's time for a change in the rules. Or perhaps we should all concentrate on the AGA and AAC contests where the rules are fairer.

I don't think Graeme's or Jase's work will be disqualified for the reasons suggested. I've published all my 'scapes previous to results, but not the final photos, and I've been ranked in all contests since 2007.

Hopefully Graeme will hear from the organisers soon...
well to be fair as the one who is in the top 100 i really feels that i've seen much better tank than mine. maybe the one i did was closer to the green na style.

but really i've seen some tanks from 200 and above. they are amazing. i also was lucky to see the "Dan Farmer" tank too at Interzoo this year. I loved that! I bet George did a great photo capture on that.

that's a shame if some great qual tank missed the contest because of a technical fault or so. i do not believe that was a disqualification. i hope they can sort that out.

i was worried before when i heard ADA wants to grow the number of entrants to hit record this year. which is some point good as the aquascaping hobby reach many places in the world and we can see many new faces/tanks, but on the other hand more tank, more work, maybe more rush to meet the deadlines. possibly more fault, or more great tank misses the top for some reason.

i am hoping they are still on the top of the whole thing. but i am sure the top 27 will rock as every year. can't wait to see them.