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I wasn't going to post....

Understand the want for answers @castle and the sentiment @John q but, no news actually means we are all working our asses off on this one.

Can only ask that everyone remains patient so the community is served with a maximal level of intelligence, foresight and care.
My view, Tim has voiced concerns to the forum (very much warranted) which has forced a few hands. The team are now working through it and I trust them all to resolve it. I’m personally happy to take their word for it that all is well, once they’ve ironed out any issues privately.

In the interim I’ve ordered more plants for my viv and hope to add a reptile in the coming months.
How's @Tim Harrison are we allowed to at least ask this question, or am I being sentimental?

Of course you are allowed John. Feel your care for him, rightly so. My hope is that this extends to anyone and everyone involved, we’re all just people. No one was operating from a place other than care for this forum.

What has happened may have been divisive, but a forum members wellbeing and what has transpired are separate.

To answer you directly, drove to his door and personally checked in on him. Will say he’s okay and everything needs to move forward.