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I bet this has been asked millions of times sorry


27 Apr 2009
How many bags of oliver knotts substrate would i need for a 70cmx35cmx45cm

Thanks btw love this forum
To work out how many bags you need for your tank, Aqua Essentials have a simple calculation:

Take your aquarium length in cm, multiply this by the width in cm and then divide by 1800. This gives you the number of 10L bags you need.
Oh yep thanks its say 1.5 so i need 15litres would i get away with a 10l bag and a 3l bag also do you know how much depth this would give as it doesn't say
MrWhite said:
would i get away with a 10l bag and a 3l bag
Should be fine, I used a 10l bag for my 60x30cm also!