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Hygrophila corymbosa pink


5 May 2021
Just got hold of some of this hygrophila Corymbosa Pink and has anyone had much success in growing it in there tank I've not seen many about and from what I can tell its quite rare
Currently growing emmersed so I can get a good root system on it before planting it in my aquarium


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Oh it's definitely real as I said I never came across it before I've ordered more now to grow
Thing is I've only ever seen it sold in one place which I've took the photo of the full plant from
I've not seen it list anywhere else or on ebay etc
Thing is I've only ever seen it sold in one place which I've took the photo of the full plant from
I've not seen it list anywhere else or on ebay etc
Seems there are a few sellers.

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Hi all,
Seems there are a few sellers.
I'd expect it would be reasonably easy to grow - <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton - School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee">, even with the variegation.

The variegation looks a lot like what you get with <"Iresine herbstii">. @hydrophyte 's photo and the red plant.


It isn't like Anubias barteri "Snow-white", where there is very little photosynthetic tissue <"Anubias ‘Snow white’">.

cheers Darrel
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Seems there are a few sellers.

Wow when I looked they were only on that ebay account thanks for the links though I will take a look
Can't say I'm really a fan of the corymbosa 'pink' to be honest, particularly where the pink is on the edges of the leaves. My brain just sees some sort of chemical cell damage!

However, I love your little emmersed set up and other plants! 👍
True its not for everyone just something I found diffrent to other plants I looked up

As for the set up I started it as a project to see if I could grow my own plants emmersed just something I wanted to try that turned out quite well planning more projects now
Seems there are a few sellers.

Only thing is would I be able to get them to this country tried before and we'll let's just say it was a pain in the ass order end up being cancelled since we left the eu maybe I just did something wrong who knows .
Hi all,
True its not for everyone just something I found diffrent to other plants I looked up
I'm not keen personally (or on <"most variegated plants"> to be honest), but I don't hate it.
Would you guesstimate this variation happend naturally or did this guy make it in a lab?
I'd imagine it is a natural mutation. Hygrophila corymbosa has <"some pink coloration"> and this looks like a growth defect where some tissue is formed without chlorophyll and the <"anthocyanin pigments show"> through. If the plant didn't have any anthocyanins, the variegation would just be white.
The other reason is just where the <"anthocyanins are in the plant cell">, they are in the cells vacuole, masked in the <"mesophyll by the chloroplasts">.
Plants with this sort of variegation often have some growth abnormalities as well, you can see the twisted leaf <"in the third photo">.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

I'm not keen personally, but I don't hate it.

I'd imagine it is a natural mutation. Hygrophila corymbosa has <"some pink coloration"> and this looks like a growth defect where some tissue is formed without chlorophyll and the <"anthocyanin pigments show"> through. If the plant didn't have any anthocyanins, the variegation would just be white.

Plants with this sort of variegation often have some growth abnormalities as well, you can see the twisted leaf <"in the third photo">.

cheers Darrel
I would guess that would make sense I'm pretty new to all this kind of stuff I just bought it because it was diffrent originally but since have been trying to propagate it even in the emersed set up it appears to be slow growing unless I'm doing something wrong which might be the case

Hi all,
but since have been trying to propagate it even in the emersed set up it appears to be slow growing unless I'm doing something wrong which might be the case
I'd assume it would be reasonably easy to grow, but just grow slower than the wild green type. If it throw a lot of really twisted shoots, or continually revert to green, that might be more of an issue.

cheers Darrel
True its not for everyone just something I found diffrent to other plants I looked up

As for the set up I started it as a project to see if I could grow my own plants emmersed just something I wanted to try that turned out quite well planning more projects now
I can imagine it could look good if it thrives and the variegation looks a particularly way - I'm just a bit finicky!

Nothing wrong with a bit of experimentation, it helps move the hobby forward in some respects and personally speaking I just find various lesser known aspects of planted aquariums super interesting - hence why I was a lurker here for many years before finally signing up.
Hi all,

I'd assume it would be reasonably easy to grow, but just grow slower than the wild green type. If it throw a lot of really twisted shoots, or continually revert to green, that might be more of an issue.

cheers Darrel
At the moment all the leafs seem normal just with bits of pink on them it's just been quite slow at growing I was hopping I could cut it down and plant more by now but its not grown enough just yet
I can imagine it could look good if it thrives and the variegation looks a particularly way - I'm just a bit finicky!

Nothing wrong with a bit of experimentation, it helps move the hobby forward in some respects and personally speaking I just find various lesser known aspects of planted aquariums super interesting - hence why I was a lurker here for many years before finally signing up.
Everyone has there own tastes personally I enjoy finding these diffrent types of plants and trying to grow them plant on getting some buce soon and other types of variegated plants