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How to totally rescape existing set up?


25 Aug 2017
I have 260l aquarium that has been running for a long time. It’s full of plants and has large and old angel fish with some random otos, corys and odd very old tetra. It’s Fluval Osaka, so tall rather than long which also is a challenge as the angels are endlessly on war path and need their line of sight limited.

It could do with total change but I’m a bit in loss how to execute this. Most instructions how to set tank up assume you start from nothing and have time to tweak hardscape. Any thoughts where to start.
Not sure if it's the right way, but the way I do it is the following:

1. Fish, plants, other live stock go in a bucket(s) with an air pump. If you're expecting it take a while, you might need a heater

2. Drain water. Also a good time to a good substrate vacuum if you're into that kinda thing.

3. Rearrange hardscape

4. Glue down epiphytes and place carpet plants. Splash or mist water through out to keep places plants moist

5. Refill tank

6. Place stems and other floppy plants. I find them easier to place with water in the tank

7. Clean Gass and remove floating crud and debris

8. Add back fish/live stock

9. Leave light off till the next day to limit livestock stress

10. Crack a cold one if you haven't yet

11. Test water for the next few days and dose extra prime or do a water change if there's a mini cycle

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I have done this many times in the past. It really depends on how extensive your planning to go on the rescape. I assume its just plants and ornamental wood/rocks you going to switch around? you could possibly do that without taking the fish out - just drain enough water beforehand to make it workable and go slow in order to reduce stress on the livestock. Try and keep the disturbance of the substrate to a minimum.

Not sure if it's the right way, but the way I do it is the following:

1. Fish, plants, other live stock go in a bucket(s) with an air pump. If you're expecting it take a while, you might need a heater

2. Drain water. Also a good time to a good substrate vacuum if you're into that kinda thing.

3. Rearrange hardscape

4. Glue down epiphytes and place carpet plants. Splash or mist water through out to keep places plants moist

5. Refill tank

6. Place stems and other floppy plants. I find them easier to place with water in the tank

7. Clean Gass and remove floating crud and debris

8. Add back fish/live stock

9. Leave light off till the next day to limit livestock stress

10. Crack a cold one if you haven't yet

11. Test water for the next few days and dose extra prime or do a water change if there's a mini cycle

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk
My only critique is that #10 should have its numbers switched, #01
Think the main issue could be substrate whether major disturbance or redoing it. These days I run a smaller filter alongside existing one to transfer fish to a spare tank. If your happy with your existing plants altering adding hardscape wood with epiphyte plants, with minimum disturbance to substrate ,could leave fish in with water changes.
Hi, I re scaped my existing, this is it 11 weeks later. Been trimmed 3 times & tbh im happy with all the hard work. All substrate & driftwood is original.


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