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How to feed Sparkling gouramis?

I wonder, in a species only tank, do sparklers hang out? Mine almost never do; even the breeding pairs split up after mating, while the male chases everyone away. I'd assumed this behaviour holds in a species only so, once beyond being juveniles, they would tend to lurk in their own corners? I seem to recall when I was a kid my pearl gourami pair did stay together.
Mine do not. Even in my 100l the male constantly chased anything gourami shaped. It would be interesting to discover how big a male sparkling gourami territory is in the wild. We assume because they're small they can go in sub-100l tanks but maybe in the wild they live in a 1m diameter or larger territory?
I found that they eat quite well the Hikari micro pellets. I also bought frozen Artemis and daphnia, don't eat them.
Took away most of the rotalas, more space for them to swim which clearly they like, as they are now starting to show their mating behaviour.