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how to encourage runners??

Zebra Fish

30 Nov 2014
I’ve had jungle vallis for absolutely ages (or it feels like it) I’ve got about 5 stems of it and 3/5 grows absolutely monstrously (like I never have a water change and not thought that I need to cut that back) and from those 3 plants that are growing like crazy I kind of expect them to be setting out runners like if they’re healthy enough to grow that fast why aren't they healthy enough to put off runners. I don’t expect that little slower growth to do.

I use to dose flourish fertiliser and co2 whereas for about a month now it’s been DIY co2 and flourish fertiliser. I’ve now gone and bought TNC tabs to try and encourage runners as well as dosing flourish for the non-rooted plants in my tank. So will this solve it or is there something I’m doing wrong or should do instead?
think its about 4 months ago now, and the liquid carbon stopped 2 months ago and growth shot up with that. didn't know vallis didnt like it all i know is my moss ball started dying because of a anti-algae chemical. i am going to experiment and try a new fertiliser to see if it will make a difference its called easy life profito (nipping to the LFS) tomorrow so maybe this one which sounds like its got a wider range of helpful stuff which says it does this that and the other. im also hoping that the TNC plugs make a difference. i was just wondering if there was any mineral that vallis must have needed such as iron or whatever
oh !! i was under the impression it had both 😡 hmm now i look at it all this bells and whistles easy life isn't a mixture either dang it! is there no mixture of macro and micro pre mixed ?!?!

the main thing is that i don't want to be mixing stuff up i want to open a bottle measure out x amount and put it in the tank so that rules out dry salts is there a pre measured version of EI don't think i've spotted any :S
is it actually a fertiliser though and there's normally a big list of chemicals that you get with iron usually highlighted like this list i got off the profito website "manganese, boron, cobalt, lithium, molybdenum, copper, tin, nickel, fluorine, iodine, aluminium, zinc, selenium and vanadium" and yet that one is just 3 chemicals :S im so confused right now
i bought some of that apf stuff so we shall see when it arrives what difference it will make and hopefully runners will appear 😀 thanks for the advice and clearing that up. i found on the flourish/seacham website it claiming that it was a mixture of macro and micro but general consensus seems to be that its just micro :\