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How much time do people spend actually watching their tanks?


Global Moderator
27 Jul 2011
Co. Durham
just out of curiosity wanted to see how people enjoyed the fruits of their labour.
Its clear to see the blood, sweat and tears that go into setting up and maintaining a planted aquarium from all the journals and topics for discussion within the forum... I know that for many, building and maintaining is part of the allure of the hobby, but after the work is done when do you find time to sit down and actually watch your creation?

With the wife at work and the kids in bed i spent a very calm hour and a half watching my tank this evening, a couple of cups of coffee, an armchair and an underwater haven..... RELAXED!


I should probably just sit back and enjoy mine more... But I never do. I'm either messing with it or not in the room :(
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

I am surrounded by 3 tanks positioned in L shape. 1x 30 cube in front of me on office desk. 1x 30 cm cube on right side next to desk I just turn head right to watch and one 60cm 80L next to that 30cm cube on the right. So I am pretty stuffed. As I work from home you bet I watch them all the time :)
Iv only had mine up and running since Saturday but my daughter's already telling me I'm weird cos I'm staring at the plants all the time. "god dad, what you staring at, you've not even got any fish in it yet!" ha ha. Annoying teenagers is another hobby of mine.
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

Can only view my tanks an hour or two during the week (too busy),but on weekend's during winter, when I'm not fishing,,I sit in front of them for hours.
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

I must admit i spend best part of the day in front of mine can get lost starring into it for hours think the longest spent looking at one of my tanks must been about 4 hours or more

I like they way the chairs positioned its perfect and who needs TV when you got that to watch!!

Only thing missing in that picture would be nice cold beer and you have the perfect picture
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

i stand and watch mine for ages too especally the fry tanks. i play a game with myself count the fry. which is almost impossible as there's hundreds and they move all over the bloody place..... doesn't stop me trying to count though
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

That's a great photo, Ady! And excellent discussion point. :thumbup:

I have just the one tank now. It's in my kitchen/diner. I spend around 5 minutes every evening giving a little prune here and there and will often sit back for a few minutes afterwards to enjoy it. I cannot walk through my kitchen without taking a look at the tank, ranging from a few seconds to several minutes depending on how busy I am.

I am really into my shrimp at the moment and actually spend a lot of time with my nose right up to the glass. It's a fascinating perspective, and very different. I love my shrimp for this.

I deliberately don't keep a tank in my main living room anymore - too distracting.

There's an interesting balance between analysing my tank to see how it can be improved, or thinking about the next layout vs. simply enjoying for what it is in realtime.

If the balance is in favour of the former, I know it's time to create a new aquascape.
I watch my hole in the tank as its in my living room, most of the evening.

My wife sits in front of it!

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Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

Tend to spend 30-60mins at least in the evenings while the wife is watching tv. Sometimes on the sofa from a distance sometimes on a foot stall nice and close.

Really like to watch when the veggies are in for the plec's. Most of them have started to come out for it when the lights are still on now :D

It does make you think about additions and changes though!

Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

I wouuld spent around 1-2 hours on my main tank as it lights up my living room when I lift up the lid. It doubles up :)
My gran sits in front of the tank for an hour each day and enjoys feeding the fish.

The kitchen tank maybe when I am cooking so 15-30 mins a day. The study only gets glimpses so maybe 5-10 mins a day as this is slowly growing in. Once it matures after a few months I guess I will spend more time in making it flow better and where to tie mosses etc.
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

Hi all,

johnjo said:
Iv only had mine up and running since Saturday but my daughter's already telling me I'm weird cos I'm staring at the plants all the time. "god dad, what you staring at, you've not even got any fish in it yet!" ha ha.

i know that feeling, my wife thought i was mad for a month, staring into a tank without fish! To some degree she still thinks im mad! :lol:

Radik said:
I am surrounded by 3 tanks positioned in L shape. 1x 30 cube in front of me on office desk. 1x 30 cm cube on right side next to desk I just turn head right to watch and one 60cm 80L next to that 30cm cube on the right. So I am pretty stuffed. As I work from home you bet I watch them all the time :)

I'd get nothing done!

awtong said:
Really like to watch when the veggies are in for the plec's. Most of them have started to come out for it when the lights are still on now

George Farmer said:
I spend around 5 minutes every evening giving a little prune here and there and will often sit back for a few minutes afterwards to enjoy it. I cannot walk through my kitchen without taking a look at the tank, ranging from a few seconds to several minutes depending on how busy I am.

I am really into my shrimp at the moment and actually spend a lot of time with my nose right up to the glass. It's a fascinating perspective, and very different. I love my shrimp for this.

great to hear people are spending time watching and enjoying their tanks ,and of course the occupants, which i personally feel are as important as the plants and hardscape in keeping the interest.

A recurring theme though,

awtong said:
It does make you think about additions and changes though!

Alastair said:
I do find though that sitting admiring it also has its downside in that it has me seeing what can be changed etc
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George Farmer said:
There's an interesting balance between analysing my tank to see how it can be improved, or thinking about the next layout vs. simply enjoying for what it is in realtime.

If the balance is in favour of the former, I know it's time to create a new aquascape.

aquascapes are labours of love, but we strive for perfection, and are continually intrigued by improvement....
as a beginner i look at my tank and am constantly seeing ways in which basic hardscaping could have been improved let alone plant choices and fish species. I have ideas continually racing round my head and ideally would have unlimited time and resources to afford me numerous set ups! I can see why people have the urge/need to rescape every 6 months as there is so much to try and learn and so many styles to experience. Even seasoned pros like George get the itch, having probably produced more scapes, and successful ones, than ive had hot dinners! Im going to try to keep this one running for at least a year to give me a good understanding of the basics before changing. Despite its niggles, it has a slightly rough around the edges charm for me and much like a first car, it has some sentiment attached already. Im actually growing plants, and although there have been additions, some failures and some continuing challenges, its probably the type of scape that you could keep going for ever, but i know there will come a time...
Anyway thanks all for sharing your views, its clear to see that for most, planted tanks are a passion, sometimes a consuming one that is enjoyed as it should be. Im forever sneaking a peak at mine whether its from the sofa or in the 'designated viewing zone' :lol:

sussex_cichlids said:
I must admit i spend best part of the day in front of mine can get lost starring into it for hours think the longest spent looking at one of my tanks must been about 4 hours or more

George Farmer said:
I deliberately don't keep a tank in my main living room anymore - too distracting.

ghostsword said:
The tank in the living room I watch maybe 2 hours a day, but the one in the room much more. I really like to sit in front of the tanks and just take it in.

Tonight i actually sat back & watched my tank for half an hour. It was great to just enjoy the tank for once & not be messing around with it :)
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

skeletonw00t said:
Tonight i actually sat back & watched my tank for half an hour. It was great to just enjoy the tank for once & not be messing around with it :)

I think thats sometimes just what you need to do.
If were keeping up with general tank husbandry and the fish are being catered for, then we can solve all the other issues we may have in time with a clear head and some research.
Planted tanks are great to look at and should be enjoyed.
I love the construction, and the learning, but most of all i enjoy the watching.
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

my main tank is by the dining table so sit and watch it while eating, if i just sit and watch it randomly for too long i cant help thing hmm what if that bit of wood was there and then i find myself pulling it apart and moving stuff about for an hour.
Re: How much time do people spend actually watching their ta

All my main tanks are in my living/dining room - the 450 acts as a room divider on the left, the 180 and the fighter are opposite the sofa and the 125 is on the right. I watch these on and off all day when I'm at home - which, as hubs full time carer is quite a bit! I look into the shrimp tank in the kitchen every time I go in there - again quite a bit! It helps that we don't have a TV at all and restrict our projector viewing to after about 6pm in the evening. As I'm typing every time I look up I can see my new krib fry in the 450 - much better than anything else I can imagine!! :D
