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How much has your equipment setup cost?

My last tank was around £150 all in.

My current tank would probably be a little less, maybe £120.

Excluding fish and ferts.
I think David Saxby's reef aquarium cost him a hundred grand plus Owen 😉 You could always try to top that :thumbup: :lol:
Antipofish said:
I think David Saxby's reef aquarium cost him a hundred grand plus Owen 😉 You could always try to top that :thumbup: :lol:
:O Where are the pictures? With that kind of money he might as well of bought his own little island with a real reef. :lol:

*Dont worry I decided to Google his name and this must be it... New%2520Image1.JPG*
owenprescott said:
Antipofish said:
I think David Saxby's reef aquarium cost him a hundred grand plus Owen 😉 You could always try to top that :thumbup: :lol:
:O Where are the pictures? With that kind of money he might as well of bought his own little island with a real reef. :lol:

*Dont worry I decided to Google his name and this must be it... New%2520Image1.JPG*

Is that the owner of D-D?? Think I saw the tank in PFK.
I just made some arrangements to have the dining room as my bedroom, now I am not limited to space which means only one thing! Bigger tank! :lol:
easerthegeezer said:
its the second, third, forth tank and continuous upgrades that start hurting... i'd guess its a £1000 a year hobby.

Right on the money, I've got 5 tanks, only one setup and about to have another. Two of the tanks are almost ready to be setup but I'd guess I'll spend about £1000 to get most of them going.
Optiwhite tank £30
DIY stand £100
External filter £50
25KG sand £3.50
2 x 24w T5HO £40
Plants £70
Nano powerhead £22

Running cost im not sure. food, ferts ect...

It can really take off if you let it. My Girlfriend is a student so im always tight for cash. This tank has taken me over a year to get to where it is. In short buying all the gear will only do so much if you dont understand the theory behind the demands of planted aquariums.
For me its about getting the best out of what you have and not spending money unless its a must!