Hi All.
This is my first time posting on here and I could really use some help. My tank has only been set up for a few months now as I have had to restart a few times because algae got out of hand. This is the most success I have had since I got into aquascaping about two years ago. Although my plants are now growing and they have a lot of roots I don’t think they are thriving, and the algae will still take over eventually if I don’t do a good scrub regularly.
I can’t help but think it could be better than this. Since I have never experienced a balanced aquarium I don’t know.
As you can see from the photos I am struggling with green spot algae and blackbeard algae is starting to appear in places. The tank is about 100l with a sump so a total volume of 120l of actual water. I have recently added 3 Otto’s and 4 Amano shrimp but have ordered some more. Also have: 7 Rasboras, 4 Corys, 4 Rummynose Tetras and 1 Hongkong plec. My lights are on an 8 hour cycle at 80% and my C02 is between 25 and 30ppm. I have been dosing 5ml of TNC complete and about 2ml of Chelated iron daily. I started dosing the iron because many of the plants had yellow leaves with dark veins. I do water changes weekly.
Should I dose more or less or could it be a different problem all together?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
This is my first time posting on here and I could really use some help. My tank has only been set up for a few months now as I have had to restart a few times because algae got out of hand. This is the most success I have had since I got into aquascaping about two years ago. Although my plants are now growing and they have a lot of roots I don’t think they are thriving, and the algae will still take over eventually if I don’t do a good scrub regularly.
I can’t help but think it could be better than this. Since I have never experienced a balanced aquarium I don’t know.
As you can see from the photos I am struggling with green spot algae and blackbeard algae is starting to appear in places. The tank is about 100l with a sump so a total volume of 120l of actual water. I have recently added 3 Otto’s and 4 Amano shrimp but have ordered some more. Also have: 7 Rasboras, 4 Corys, 4 Rummynose Tetras and 1 Hongkong plec. My lights are on an 8 hour cycle at 80% and my C02 is between 25 and 30ppm. I have been dosing 5ml of TNC complete and about 2ml of Chelated iron daily. I started dosing the iron because many of the plants had yellow leaves with dark veins. I do water changes weekly.
Should I dose more or less or could it be a different problem all together?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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